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movable objects


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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

lemme make this a little clearer.... since i forgot the first time.

How about for Kyle to Move those crates. Lets say he's in a storage area and wants to explore the ventalation system. So, he MOVES a few crates to make a way to jump up there...


can this be done?




look for the force influenced objects tut

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Basically it says to use a func_door for your moveable object. You can certainly do that in MP.


One of the things I wish JKII had that was in Half Life was completely moveable objects, i.e. things you could push or pull all over the map. You can make a func_door that will slide back and forth between two positions, but that's it.


In SP you can use scripting to make a far more sophisticated moveable object, but you'd still basically have to define explicitly what points it can be pushed to and in what direction. Careful with those Origin brushes, as I recently learned the hard way.

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