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AOTC:TC Server Problems


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Right I have had to move to a new server due to the fact that Squareinternet are being as much use as a choclate tea pot.


So give me till Wednesday and we shall have a newer better server. I know this is a pain, but its was even worse when I could no longer create cgi-bin or even make the forums, so that have gone and we have moved to a better host that will provide us with a lot more :)


Sorry to do this guys, If I knew that this was going to happen I would of dont this weeks ago, but as I only really got this morning to tinker with it. Ensim.com software has a lot to ans for.



So hopefuly I shall have it up and running by the end of the week.


Sorry again guys/galls



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Hey Anakin!


Stop with all those appologies!!! You guys of AOTC:TC are doing great work. I don't give a damn, if it takes you a month. I'm much more interrested in the TC than in that Homepage.


So respect again and again!

And keep on working on the AOTC!!!


PS: Come up with some Screenies again, please! ;)

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