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Private Clients Question

Sith Maximus

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Ok I know how to setup the private cliens and the password for them but this is my problem.


Can you join the server as a private client BEFORE it is full. If I use this command right now I can only join as a private client when the server is full.


I want to join, and have two others join, as private clients at any time, even when the server is empty.


If this can be done please post back to me asap. Thanks!:D


P.S. I am running 1.04 with Jedimod.

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Of course you can. When you join with the private client password (and are the first private client) you are player 0. Here is a snippit from my status log. I am player 0 here. I joined my server that had 3 people on it, and was not full. There were still 6 available slots


9:11:59 PM:> status
map: ctf_bespin
num score ping name            lastmsg address               qport rate
--- ----- ---- --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----
 0     2    3 ^2=|PL|=^4DaNam      50    192.168.x.xx:28070 24173 25000
 1    17   85 DRAC89               50     65.80.xxx.xx:1696 11734 25000
 2     4   51 Darth Rhenquest      50    68.67.xxx.xxx:28070 44893 25000
 3     2  126 ^2=|PL|=^4Lord^      50   24.71.xxx.xxx:28070 26018 25000
 4     7   78 UGLY YODA            50  12.217.xxx.xxx:28070 15167 25000

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If u create private slots - how do you enter the password? Is it the same as connecting to a completely private server? What about if you use All Seeing Eye?


Also - If u connect using a password for a private slot, what happens if all private slots are filled in? Does that mean u cant connect or do u join a public slot?


I hope that makes sense - Hope someone can help me.

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

If u create private slots - how do you enter the password? Is it the same as connecting to a completely private server? What about if you use All Seeing Eye?


Also - If u connect using a password for a private slot, what happens if all private slots are filled in? Does that mean u cant connect or do u join a public slot?


I hope that makes sense - Hope someone can help me.



Ok you connect to the private slot with the private server password. So lets say that you have 2 private slots. The password is <mom>. You have 8 reg slots and 2 private slots.


If you connect by using the password <mom> then you get into a private slot. You can connect with this pass even if the server is empty.


Lets say you gave that pass to four people. The first two can connect as private and the other two will need to connect as a regular client.


Hope that helps.

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Originally posted by Darth Maniac

If u create private slots - how do you enter the password? Is it the same as connecting to a completely private server?


Yes, that is why you can't have private slots on a private server. there is only one cvar for the password.

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