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Astrology Fandango

Darth Eggplant

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greetings to all

GF forum newbies!

from the round purple one:



'Do you know where

you left your keys?'


in case you have ever found yourselves

pondering this question or even some of

life's deeper questions, I may be able

to help you along your way towards

the 9th Underworld,

with Astrology Fandango!

the Excelsior line of Horoscopes.

daily, weekly and monthly

Grim Horoscopes can be found at my

GF fansite called Calaverablanca.

you can access my fan site

through the link provided in my signature.


as for Astrology Fandango

here are two sample grim horoscopes

for calendar date October 1st, 2002.


Celso 'the pedestrian' aka Capricorn


You may be surprised when Sith Cow's

give in to the Dark Side of The Force.

You never expected that so much passion

lay at the hoofs of such udderly calm creatures.


Velasco 'the fishmonger' aka Pisces


Refusing to acknowledge a problem

will not make it go away.

Embracing the problem may not be

the best solution either.


*man what a Bogus

No Help Horoscope this is!*


follow this link

and bookmark the page

if you wish to know

what The Wheel of Fate

has in store for you.

Astrology Fandango

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Hey, COOL site:D

...wait a sec, according to this, I'm Bowsley?!? What the.. <reads about the Florist's horoscope> ..my gosh, the Great Man Eating Eggplant is psychic! Not bad!


What?? My bEsT FrIeNd(and rival) TuRnS OuT tO Be SALVADOR LIMONES?!?!?!? That's it; Life is now *officially* unfair!!! :mad2:

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I am sorry to hear your lament

I guess you'll have to go out

to sea now.


remember though this is

the Excelsior line of astrology

and well for the money,

you takes what you can get.

also I tried to take standard

european translations of astrology

and match them with characters

from the game. I tried to keep

most characters from year one

because that is only as far

as I have gotten.

I tried to give neat characters

for everyone.


Sanspoof for one is non-plussed

that he is a Gatekeeper.

nut I myself am a Gatekeeper

and so why would I try to give

myself a bad character?


anyhow I hope you enjoy them,

and remain a regular at Calaverablanca

the site is constantly growing

as I go along.

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