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W.I.P.: Coleman Trebor NEW

PIo Koon

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Originally posted by PIo Koon

[b#2..about his nose...personally i think its about the right size...but ill play around with it and see what i can do[/b]

well, the main part of his nose is slimmer, but there is some other part that casts some shadow... it's in the pic.

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yea i don't mind doing it..people have different opinions and sometimes people see things the way they REALLY are..instead of how some of us THINK they are


so wish that said..thankx for pointing it out t3rr0r ;)...ill work on his nose after i get his lower torso and arms worked out





Arm Sleeves..Belt..and Lower Torso have been made...im just playing around with the shape at the moment

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heres the updated pic


note that the arms...upper body..belt..AND lower body are VERY rough...im still working on the head but thats closer to being done..the rest still need detailing which i know..so don't worry!




but as always..any iiiCoNsTrUcTiVe!!! Critisizing is welcome...anyway...back to work...

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ok..when u say to skinny...say the view..plz


also..Trebor does not have 2 tabbards hanging down..believe me...every jedi does not wear the same uniform...the exact same way...and the same style...look at these pics






look at your example..the tabbards are on the side...now look at the second pic u just posted...theirs only one tabbard hanging down and its in the middle..which leaves me to believe he only has 1 tabbard hanging that way


ALSO...Trebor never wore the vest that is in your example..look at the first pic i showed u..thats just regular cloth...look at yours...it has cloth thats "covered" with something that looks like leather...and they also do not cross over each other..in the first pic and the second pic u can see that the tabbards cross over...so that also wouldn't work


so i think if i had 2 tabbards hanging down it wouldnt look right...if u REALLY want the double tabbard..ill try and see about getting another piece to hang down behind the other tabbard bt kinda to the side..but im not even sure that would look good

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Yeah I'll have to agree. The nose of Trebor should be a little thinner. I noticed once again in the version I had that I had to make it a tad bit smaller. Lookin good. Might wanna work on that part of the torso that's like with the belt. Looks like he's wearin a thin tire around his waist with a belt over it.

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Originally posted by PIo Koon

ok..when u say to skinny...say the view..plz


also..Trebor does not have 2 tabbards hanging down..believe me...every jedi does not wear the same uniform...the exact same way...and the same style...look at these pics






look at your example..the tabbards are on the side...now look at the second pic u just posted...theirs only one tabbard hanging down and its in the middle..which leaves me to believe he only has 1 tabbard hanging that way


ALSO...Trebor never wore the vest that is in your example..look at the first pic i showed u..thats just regular cloth...look at yours...it has cloth thats "covered" with something that looks like leather...and they also do not cross over each other..in the first pic and the second pic u can see that the tabbards cross over...so that also wouldn't work


so i think if i had 2 tabbards hanging down it wouldnt look right...if u REALLY want the double tabbard..ill try and see about getting another piece to hang down behind the other tabbard bt kinda to the side..but im not even sure that would look good


I disagree; i remember two tabbards but whatever its your model.

Think what u want to think

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i was just trying to say i didn't think the idea of 2 tabbards wasn't accurate...hey..maybe im wrong..i think i was right but its always worth a try..right?...so if i defend my own idea plz don't act like i was insulting u...it just makes me mad


(also if i read what u said in the wrong tone...sorry =OD)...but seriously...if u think my model could be fixed in a way don't give up on your idea...im making this model for me and u guys...if i only listened to my own ideas it wouldn't be as good...but ill try the 2 tabbard ideo tonight or tomorrow




Yoda and t3rr0r...jeesh hold on =OP...ill get to work on the nose next..don't worry ill get it slimmed down

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How did you make the arms? extrude your did you make a a cylinder and shaped it out, then mirrored it? casue it doesn't have a very fluid look to the torso. Even if it is rough, I would recommened that being TOP Propority, to get those seams fixed. Have you expiermented with extursion, it makes everything a bit more fluid. Plus you have a lot more control over the sub-divisons.


Another tip to make uvw mapping easier. Work in halves. Like do only half the model and when you near completion mirror it. Then tweak everything so it looks nice. that way your uvw mapps will be nice and neat, and the model will be symmetrical. Just some advice.


my two euros :D

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Twisted Vertex

...i use Extrude alot...but yea i made it out of a cylender..just didn't want to go back and cut everything to get it setup and extrude and all that


2'nd...yes i know..i said it was rough then im going back and detailing..itll look better trust me




and yes i work in halves..thats how i did mostly everything on the model

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Okay here's my two cents...

1. From the side view he is way too thin. His chest is good but his stomack sinks in too far.

2. What is up with the tan part behind his belt. It looks like he's wearing a small tan tire around his waist.

3. You should definitly extrude the arms or else you will get nasty deformations and ugly seams.

That's my two cents. Other then that it looks good.

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no offense by this...seriously...but are u looking at the pic?...he has 2 belts...a big tanish one that matches his clothes and a brownish one that goes over it


as for the arms...yes i know im working on it now


personally i like the side view and how it looks but ill do what ur asking


(if i seem like im getting bitchy at u...plz..plz..ignore it...ive just had a really bad day and people are lieing to me left and right)



also to t3rr0r...those pics are nice..thankx for making them

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Well you need to make the belt look more like a belt. And as for the waist, do what you want with it, it's your model. I am just goin from my POV but I know how it is being a modeler and having people say something on ur model is wrong. Even thought hey are tryin to help sometimes it's hard :) heh. N e way keep it up.

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