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Naboo VS Trade Federation

Guest Cup_A_Jabba

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Guest Gamma732

I like the TF better. I prefer massive ground assaults to air strike-type tactics, and the TF will be much better suited for that. Plus I think their just 'cooler' in general.


I just have to side with the Forces of Evil, right Kvan? ;)

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Guest Darth_Venage


I'd have to say TF, but the Naboo are awesome too.

But I'm more of a Dark Side Dude(hence the name)

so I'd have to stick with TF. But that doesn't mean I won't play naboo...



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Difficult to say. TF seems more fun (in general Bad guys are more fun to play). I guess it would depend of the type of map and the civ you are playing against each civ having it's specific strenghts and weaknesse.


I will try them both though.

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Guest SoReFiNgErZ

Again, it all depends on what ur preferences are and what u believe will provide u with the most entertainment. im not exactly sure which i will play 1st ,probably the Naboo then the TF but i dont even think that ill play either of them 1st at all. My 1st priority when getting a new RTS game is to beat all the Scenerios in order. So whichever of the 2 comes 1st will be the 1 that i play 1st. and Odin is rite, we cant judge a civ b4 we've even had the chance to play as them.





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