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How to make (*.mpg-)Videos in SP?


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I want to know that too. But I would really like it when someone could tell me how you can make a video in MP!! I know there´s a console cheat, but it just makes thousands of screenshots. Is there any program that converts these pics into a video like .avi oer.mpg or .mov???

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Originally posted by DukeSkywalker

/g_syncronousClients 1


and then


/record name


this is only the command to record demos! you can watch them under "Demos" in mutliplayer-mode. I don't know how to make them into *.avi / *.mpg / *.mov / ... files.....


ANYONE MUST HELP...!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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i copied this don't know who posted it; works in ef and jk2




To record a demo do this:

- load your map up

- pull down the console and enter:

/g_synchronousclients 1

- this command is only need once though I'm not sure if its per map or per session. If you quit EF it definitely reverts back to 0.

- To start your demo record pull down the console and enter:


- when you've finished recording enter:


at the console.

When you return to the main menu and select Demos your demo should appear as Demo0002 if you've never recorded any before.

Anyone that plays a demo back MUST have the map you recorded the demo with.


You'll need to do a few things, in the console type:

/bind F5 cl_avidemo 20

/bind F6 cl_avidemo 0

or better yet set this up in a configuration file like the one above. You don't need the / when putting these into the config file. The number is used to specify frames per second. For my movie I used 30 to make everything nice and smooth. (See this thread for a movie link.)

You'll definitely want these commands bound to keys as the game will crawl when you activate them. I would recommend adjusting your screen size to 640x480 for the quickest results.

So with everything ready play the demo back. Press the F5 (or whatever you choose) to save the demo as a series of TGA files. Press F6 to stop it. EF will also stop automatically when the demo ends.

Quit EF and look in the Screenshots directory under BaseEF. You'll have a ton of pics there. Next download pjBmp2Avi (PC only program) from Paul's Page. Don't worry it supports TGA as well.

Extract the program into the screenshots directory. Run it. Select TGA for file input. Give the output AVI a good name and fire it off.

You will need some diskspace to do this. For my promo movie, though its only a minute in length, the AVI files I used (after deleting all the TGA images used to build them) totalled 3gig (uncompressed). pjBmp2Avi will give you the option of compressing the images as it creates the AVI but if you want to go back and do any editing later you should select uncompressed. Uncrompressing and recompressing a movie degrades image quality rather quickly.

Lastly, pjBmp2Avi has an option to add a wav file to the AVI playback since there is no audio information from the demo recording. If you need to do fancy frame/audio synching you'll have to grab something like Adobe Priemere or possibly that iMovie program that comes on all the new Macs.

Hmm.... maybe I should write this up and post it to my website.....

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