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Reading Client Side CVARS from Server Side


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If i wanted the server to read a cvar on the clientside that i've created, lets say: cg_adminpass, how would I do so.


I've already tried trap_GetUserinfo. and it has not worked.


Id like it to be able to compare cg_adminpass on the client and g_adminpass on the server.. This way an admin doesnt have to enter their password every time.


if anyone has any insight on how to read this cvar from the client into the server, please post a reply to this message.


I've read the resources and readmes in the thread in this forum, and they were useless.

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damn bofh, when you cut and paste code for your mod do you actually read it sometimes ???


there are PLENTY of examples in the code i wrote for the sabers and dest's code too....


just create a CVAR_USERINFO on the client and in the g_clients in :



use : Info_ValueForKey


and you'll have it ....

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