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MP Problem need help

Syth Master

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For some reason when I play MP everybody on my screen is the same.


For example: I start using D. Vader and everybody else is D. Vader. Then I change to Kyle and after a couple of minutes everybody else is Kyle.

This is getting frustrating, please help some1.

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Ok thanx guys I got it to work.

I put the force model set on off and it worked.


I got another question though (Yes I'm a scrub)

Before I play I set my guy to be Darth Sidious and when I start playing all the guy I DLed are gone. Only sometimes it happens that I get to use D. S. (those times that it worked I had everybody as D. S.).


Thnx for the help everybody I really apreciate it.

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Ok, I DLed D. Vader and D. Sid. I put it in the Base like your suppose to.

After i put the CD in and get MP started I go (PLAYER I think) and I click on D. Sid.

Then I connect to a server and when I start to play I'm Kyle or someother character from SP.

It doesn't happen all the time , but it happens like 90-95 persent of the time.

Honestly I just thought that my cpu sucks. Say it ain't so.


I appreciate the help guys.

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Oh! It probably has something to do with the server running with the "Pure Server" setting on. In that case, NyghtWalker's statement could be correctly. You'll have to ether find a server that has the skin you want to with, find a non-pure server, or host your own. :)

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You're playing on a server that is running 'Pure Server' and that doesn't have D. Sidious/D. Vader.


PURE: You can only use the files the host has. If you don't have some, you usually have to download them.


NO PURE: You can use any file you have. If someone else doesn't have it, you'll be kyle to them.

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Thanx guys.

So it's not my cpu, lol.

So it was the server then. That means I gotta find a different server.

One more scrub question. May somebody give some good server to go and how do I go to a different server?


I know I sound like a tape recorder but thanx again.

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What's up with the Stances?

blue and yellow(or was it orange) and red.

Red I find is too slow but it has good damage.

I also see a lot of ppl doing a front flip swing that takes off almost all your energy (so cheap lol). Usually I just wait for them to do it then I side step and attack them. What I need is a good move that's makes good damage( not one move kill) but isn't super slow.

Any suggestions?

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