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just doesnt seem right for battlegrounds.........

Guest Sithxace

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Guest Sithxace

just its way harder to get the starwars feeling in this type of game, its good for age of kings and age of empires cause its setup like that, there towns and cities in groups, but starwars is defferent , its not towns and cities, its futuestic cities and so. Just when i looked at the screen of the map of all the events, doesnt seem like starwars, seems more like starwars version of age of empire which is in cases.



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Guest Darth_Venage

SWGB IS star wars in AoK, cuz it uses the same engine. But I think LucasArts is doing a good job of keeping the theme of star wars. It IS cool how you can build your base, tho...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think this game is going the right way. After two flops - Force Commander and Rebellion/Supremacy... GB gives us RTS fans the chance we have been waiting for....large scale battles.


SW has plenty of Cities and Races it's just the films haven't the time to focus too much on them, otherwise the films would be as boring as Star Trek! :-p hehe


Can you imagine playing online with 8 players and 4 team up and play as the Trade Federation?! All those droids!!! Re-creating battles like in Phantom Menace will be fun now and also interesting.



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Guest crazy_dog

:cool: THIS GAME IS GONNA ROCK!!! :cool:.


Just pointing out the obvios :D .


Anyway, this game is gonna rock because:

It has a lot of civs.

Large scale battles in space to a certain extent and on the ground.

It gets you more involved in the action. I mean how builds all the :atat: s in the first place before they land onto the planet. Plus not all units have a combat porpose ( I mean they have work and trade plus medic units too.)

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Guest Gamma732

Just because it doesn't have those huge, futuristic Courscantian cities doesn't mean its not like SW. This isn't a Sim game, its an RTS(Sim games are NOT RTS's). Keep in mind in GB we're not building a 'city', but a military base. Which is why I think Wonders are out of place. But military bases are usually hastily constructed and generally relatively small. Look at the Hoth and Endor bases.

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i agree ace, i think that the RA2 engine could produce a more Star Wars type "feel." This is for a variety of reason, mainly the resource system and the projectile weaponry and such.

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Guest crazy_dog

Military bases? What are power cores, trade units, work units, Trade Outposts, farms and mines, plus a heap of other stuff, doing in a base, Gamma.

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

Think about it!! It's going to be AWESOME!! the FPS versions of starwars are getting BORING:o to repetitive!! So I think this will be a nice mix-up of starwars. Think about it having 20 mtt filled with droids against 30 gungan warriors preotected by a fambaa shield:p TOTally AWESOME!!

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Guest Bifficvs
Originally posted by crazy_dog



In AOK, they WERE cities, but in SW, it will differ. Wookies, and Naboo, and Gungans, would live in towns, but TF, Empire and Rebels would have bases. Which would be good. *pictures AT-AT walking toward rebel HQ wish huge speakers and stereo cranked up playing the ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US song*

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Guest IwantGBGnow!

Gueeeeeeees what? First thing Im doin is creating a 4 Player online scenario. TF and Empire vs Gungan and Alliance.


Or TF vs Naboo on BIG scale

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Guest crazy_dog

Hmmmm.... :D ... maybe, yes,.. hmmmm..., the Trade Fed will have outposts, Rebels= base, but Imperials, I mean imperial city thats a city, right? *everyoneone else ponders about the meaning of his joke...*

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Guest Darth_Venage

Are you ok, crazy_dog?

Anyways, I keep with my previosu statement. It's good to have a town(city, outpost watever) feeling, because it enhances the gameplay. Also, it is not all military. Look at Starports(Trading) and farms(econ). If it was all military, we'd have Force Commander all over gain, and we don't want that do we?

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