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if (traceEnt->client && preHealth > 0 && traceEnt->health <= 0 && fullCharge)
			{ //was killed by a fully charged sniper shot, so disintegrate
				VectorCopy(preAng, traceEnt->client->ps.viewangles);

				traceEnt->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_DISINTEGRATION;
				VectorCopy(tr.endpos, traceEnt->client->ps.lastHitLoc);

				traceEnt->client->ps.legsAnim = preLegs;
				traceEnt->client->ps.torsoAnim = preTorso;

				traceEnt->r.contents = 0;



(g_weapon.c, line 716)



This is the actual effect as rendered by the client:

if ((cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION) && cent->currentState.eType == ET_BODY)
	vec3_t tempAng, hitLoc;
	float tempLength;

	if (!cent->dustTrailTime)
		cent->dustTrailTime = cg.time;

	VectorCopy(cent->currentState.origin2, hitLoc);

	VectorSubtract( hitLoc, ent.origin, ent.oldorigin );

	tempLength = VectorNormalize( ent.oldorigin );
	vectoangles( ent.oldorigin, tempAng );
	tempAng[YAW] -= cent->lerpAngles[YAW];
	AngleVectors( tempAng, ent.oldorigin, NULL, NULL );
	VectorScale( ent.oldorigin, tempLength, ent.oldorigin );

	ent.endTime = cent->dustTrailTime;

	ent.renderfx |= RF_DISINTEGRATE2;

	ent.customShader = cgs.media.disruptorShader;
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );

	ent.renderfx &= ~(RF_DISINTEGRATE2);
	ent.renderfx |= (RF_DISINTEGRATE1);
	ent.customShader = 0;
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );


(cg_ents.c, line 1101)


if (cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION)
	vec3_t tempAng, hitLoc;
	float tempLength;

	if (!cent->dustTrailTime)
		cent->dustTrailTime = cg.time;
		cent->miscTime = legs.frame;

	if ((cg.time - cent->dustTrailTime) > 1500)
	{ //avoid rendering the entity after disintegration has finished anyway
		goto endOfCall;

	trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "model_root", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1);
	trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "lower_lumbar", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1);
	trap_G2API_SetBoneAnim(legs.ghoul2, 0, "Motion", cent->miscTime, cent->miscTime, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 1.0f, cg.time, cent->miscTime, -1);

	VectorCopy(cent->currentState.origin2, hitLoc);

	VectorSubtract( hitLoc, legs.origin, legs.oldorigin );

	tempLength = VectorNormalize( legs.oldorigin );
	vectoangles( legs.oldorigin, tempAng );
	tempAng[YAW] -= cent->lerpAngles[YAW];
	AngleVectors( tempAng, legs.oldorigin, NULL, NULL );
	VectorScale( legs.oldorigin, tempLength, legs.oldorigin );
	legs.endTime = cent->dustTrailTime;

	//FIXME: Sorting is all wrong here, it can't decide if it should render this part or the outer body first
	legs.renderfx |= RF_DISINTEGRATE2;
	legs.customShader = cgs.media.disruptorShader;
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs );

	legs.renderfx &= ~(RF_DISINTEGRATE2);
	legs.renderfx |= (RF_DISINTEGRATE1);

	legs.customShader = 0;
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &legs );

	goto endOfCall;


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I think I got just a HAIR in over my head!!! Sorry guys, unless somone (ASK) can just do this for us . . . I have no idea what I'm doing . . . Was expecting something WAYYYYYYYY different than that. But hey, at least someone has the code now!

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