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Your style of playing..........

Guardian Omega

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In duels, I find a healthy mix of all three of the stances to keep my opponent always guessing. I'll be full offensive, but suddenly switch to defensive, and then, just to throw him off, go on the offensive again for a high damage hit.


As for out of duels, I don't like guns, but in the off chance that I use them, I perfer the disruptor, or the stormtrooper rifle. I don't care for those flak whores, though.


Concerning force powers, I perfer the Dark Side. The ONLY time I use the Light Side powers, is if I'm empowered, via Jedi Academy 1.0 or Admin Mod.

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I play CtF so its more like if you dont first get the flag try and try again. or build up a patten that the other side will go after you alowing other team members to get in the front door easyer.


I cant Saber fight well but nomaly blue then a quick switch to yellow with a Yellow DFA

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In multiplayer, my style is that I try to anticipate the enemy's movements before they even happen. This can be done easily as most attacks have a certain 'pre-stance' before they happen.

Hence I avoid dfas and even counter them if the opponent isn't professional enough in their use of dfa.

If anti-dfa is not possible then I'll usually right-swing, back-right swing, or forward-left swing. A combination of the three can often catch opponents out. This coincides with what I said to begin with as well - Anticipating movements before they happen.


It usually takes 5 or so duels before I fully know how to counter an opponent.


Oh and I always duel. FFA + absorb = duel, no point in getting in FFA to begin with. Might as well duel =)


Oh and I use light and tend to switch on absorb within half a second of someone using forces on me. Dark sucks. It really does.

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Let's see...


I play FFA's only.


On a saber only FFA-server I usully run around swinging my saber and hoping that someone else will ignite theirs so that we could fight a little. After a while I log off. :(


On an all weapons server I prefer to use the bryar. It's quite deadly when charged up. :)

I rarely use the disruptor 'cause my low end comp makes aiming with it close to impossible.

Basicly I just hop around with my bryar shooting people, untill I get the flechette or the rocket launcher and accidentally blow myself up. :D


I use all guns and explosives I get my hands on. And if you're close to an edge I will pull or push you down the void (that's the whole point with having platforms and ledges, right?).


I kick, but not much if there isn't a "void" close by since I enjoy clean saberfights every now and then. Dumb but fun.


I always play light. Absorb lets me do my thing uninterrupted. I use sight almost all the time.


If you are saber down in an all weapons game I will shoot you.


If you are saber down in a saber only game I probably will leave you alone (assuming you never ever attack me in any way) because I'm sick and tired of being "OMFG n00B saber down U lamer!"- kickvoted off a server.


If you type, I won't kill you, but if you type in the middle of a fight, you're dead. (I won't hold my fire just because you happen to be standing close by.)


If you attack me with a saber I will take the biggest gun I have and blow you away.


If you ever say "noob" or "honour" or "lamer" or stuff like that I will hunt you down and kill you dead ....for as long as it takes for you to a) shut up or b) leave the server.


If you bitch about other players constantly and start new kick-votes every 30 seconds I will vote against you every time and kill you in various humiliating ways.


If you bitch about getting killed by me I will kill you just the same assuming you refrain from using the words mentioned earlier (honour etc.).

If you ask me politely to take it easy or give you a chance I will pretty much leave you alone unless you attack me.


I always accept duels, even though that might mean losing the frag-hunt.


Whenever I feel I got killed in a cool way (f.ex a mid air sniping), I let the player know about it. Compliments are always nice to hear. People who say "whoa! nice shot!" instead of "FU lucky newb!" are quite rare, though...

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