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Transparent lightsabers in JediPlus 3.5 MOD MP


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I installed the Jedi Plus 3.5 MOD and when I host games all the players and bots except mine have transparent lightsabers (no core color). I don't have any other MODS loaded and according to the README file this issue was corrected in v3.4. I'm running JK2 v1.04. Anyone know how to correct this?



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I have the same problem with jediplus 4.1 !!!


entering the code mod_tckcolors 0 just change the color of saber to transparent black, i tried many other numbers but beside black, no other color/core color shows up..


anything else anyone?

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I made the mistake of DLing a bunch of ctf maps and character models all in a 24 hour period. Now I have the transparent saber problem.


I'm considering just deleting them all one at a time until I figure out which one did it. I hope I don't need to delete it all and reinstall the whole game... :(


Is anyone aware of any maps that do this? I tend to think it's a map that did it, because I was running many of the character models last night and still had a visible saber.

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Okay, deleting that stuff off one at a time was a PITA, so I did it in blocks. Of course the one that was causing the problem was in the last block of character models I deleted. So it's not a map problem.


I will reinstall them a few at a time to narrow down which one is causing my particular problem, and post the results here when I have it nailed down. :) I have a hunch that a couple of the files may have had sabers or hilts that had the same name, and I told it not to overwrite it when I was unzipping the files. We'll see...

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It was the Tusken Raider's gerdaffi (sp) stick that was doing it. :mad:


The sounds that went along with the invisible saber were from the stick (whipping and whooshing and clanking, no hum). I have a feeling it was conflicting with another saber replacement that I DL'd. When I installed just the stick, it worked fine, but it overwrites all the light sabers, including your opponents...


I guess Tuskens on my system will be using sabers from now on. ;)

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