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Help, Help, How do I start a mod server?


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I am trying to start a mod server, this is what im doing, I start up the mp game I go to setup, I load force mod, I go to create server, I name it, and I start it. Then I ask a friend of mine to go and load the force mod and click on join and my name is never on the list even after he relisted, and refeshes the list. How come my name does not show up? Other names do show. Am I doing the correct procedure? How do I get my address, because to me it shows up as local? Can he type my direct address, example in the console (connect How do I get my direct address. P.s I do want to play on my server. Thanks in advance

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To find out your ip go to "Run..." in the startmenu and enter winipcfg ( Windows 9x ) or start a DOS window and enter ipconfig (Windows XP ). Your friend can join by opening the console ( shift + key left to 1 ) and typing

connect <your ip> e.g. connect


Yopu can find a better way to play here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63491

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Is it better to start a dedicated server and join your own server along with a friend? It was very slow when I did that. Or create a server, play and have a friend join, I have not been able to acomplish this yet. Do you have better performance the second way? By the wag Mega Thanks for responding so quick. You give out great info and resolve alot of everyones head aches and frustration when it comes to this game.

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