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Saga Gametype Standardization


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I should clarify the Match Score concept. The Match Score is like the Match Scores from America's Army. It sets how often the map is replayed before the maps switch (Example, 1 of 1, 2 of 3, 3 of 4). A seperate score is kept of the overall match score in addition to current round scores.


I can see the round win being based on several different combinations to maximize the number of possible Saga game situations:


1. Score Limit: Whoever reaches the score limit first wins.


2. Objectives: Whoever reaches the objective limit first wins.


3. Critical Objective: Whatever team completes their critical objective(s) first wins.


4. Time/Objective: Whoever has the most objectives completed atend of the time limit wins.


5. Time/Critical Objective: Whoever has completed their "critical" objective(s) before the time limit wins. If both have completed their critical objectives, the win is based on objectives or score based on set win conditions. If one team doesn't have a critical objective, they win/loss based on the other team completed their critical objective.


6. Time/Score: The team with the highest score at the time limit wins.



Now, to do this and make the Saga mode as flexible as possible, we need the following new aspects to the Saga Syntax:


(.saga objectives) Critical Objective Tag: Labels an objective as a "critical" objective.


(server cvar/UI) Critical Win: Tells the code to end the round when all the critical objectives (for one side) is completed. This is so you can allow the game to continue running when the criticals have been completed so you can try to complete your non-critical objectives for extra points.


(.saga objectives) End Round Tag: The round automatically ends and the victory conditions are checked. Good for when someone activates a "final" objective like the self-destruct button or flight controls on an escaping star ship. NOTE: Mappers will have to be careful to make sure that this objective can't be activated before it should be. Like at the very beginning of the round. :)


(.saga objectives) Objective Score Value: Sets the point value for completing a certain objective.


(server cvar/UI) Override Objective Score Value: Changes all objective completion scores to the Default Objective Score Value.


(server cvar/UI) Default Objective Score Value: Sets the default point value for a completed objectives that don't have an assigned point value.


(server cvar/UI) Kills Count as Score: Sets wiether or not kills count count towards team score.


(server cvar/UI) Shared Objective Score: Sets wiether or not each objective score counts towards all players' individual scores on the team.





(code) Make it possible for player entities and objects to be objectives. I'm not sure weither this is a coding or mapping issue. But it probably needs a definition group and a skin varible (so the objective looks different than the other players). In addition, the code would have to account for what happens if a objective dies, logs out, etc. Maybe set it so that player / objects are really just triggers entities that activate the objective under certain conditions, such as dieing or touching a certain location, object, etc. We could really take this to the next level by having set ups where only certain players could do certain things. Such as having an engineer be the one to activate an objective, etc.


(.saga/team settings) Legal Team Skins: Sets the allowable skins for all the players on a set team. You can use your own skin but it causes you to look like the Default Team Skin to everyone else. NOTE: Mappers would need to include the default skin that is set for the map or there could be some serious errors. :) AND Mappers shouldn't put the objective skins on the allowable list or players won't be able to tell the difference between the normal players and the objective players.


(client side cvar) Default Team Skins: Toggles wiether you choose to restruct your skin choice to the Legal Team Skins set in the .saga file. If you use an illegal skin





Well, thanks for listening. This post is very long. And please forgive its rough nature, I just typed it up on the spot. :) If I forgot anything let me know.

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All of this is becoming less and less necessary - and interest is declining.


Saga shouldn't be a standard - it should be a mod, and since most of the people looking into it are already coding for various mods, there really isn't going to be a standard.


Not that this correspondence doesn't have it's merits - this way we can all get a glimpse of how different programmers tackle the same problem from different directions. Also, correspondence saves a lot of time - if I can see a problem that someone else has already fixed, then they can point me in the right direction.


In general, there should be more available information about what code to change where to do what, but that's just IMHO.


And what a Humble Oppinion it is.

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I've got to agree with razorace here. There's got to be some kind of standard format for the saga map files or nobody's going to make any saga maps that isn't specifically involved with a mod team.


That = Bad.


Razor, I'm in agreement with 99% of what you said in your post. I'm prepared to work on this with you directly to produce an open source, standardized Saga mod. Put some contact info in this thread and I'll contact you after my Beta 3 dev cycle dies down a bit.

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Sounds good, I've be availible when you are. Hopefully, you and me (eventually after MotF gets some releases) will have enough pull to make the standard. I PMed you my contact info, drop me a line when you want to work on it. Some realtime design discussion and programming would be great. :)

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I'd like to help to, mostly because


A) I want my mod to work with saga maps

B) I want to help you guys, and learn some more about coding (I'm getting better than the average bear, but still not Tck or JdH)


But, I have limited time to code, which is always a dead giveaway that someone can't help much ... :(


But, if there's something you guys want me to look at, let me know, and I'll dig into it. Until then, I'll just work on this and that and lob the occasional find towards the group. If I change soemthing that seems pretty nifty, I'll let you guys know and give you the source if you need it.

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