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Multiplayer questions - I'm a noob

Pornstar Yoda

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Can someone please help me out here, cuz i swear i can't figure out how to gain more force points in multiplayer. i doing the "create server" option and i'm still practising against bots. unfortunately, i only have 2 force points and i read somewhere that you can set the amount of force points a player gets, but i am lost regarding where to find this option. in a last ditch attempt to adjust my jedi powers i even tried typing "helpusobi 1" or "devmapname" in the console but it said "this is a non-cheating server". but it's MY SERVER???? is there someway to enable cheats? cuz i'm just playing against bots and i can't for the life of me get my powers working right.


thanx, sorry for the rant.



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