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JPB Came To Good Use!!!

Guest the13thJedi

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Guest the13thJedi

I just traded in my "unfinished, beta peice of poop" copy of Jedi Power Battles for a copy of Final Fantasy Tactics. In my opinion it was well worth it 'cause that game is almost impossible to find anywhere other than E-Bay. And those copies usually sell for about $60 a pop.


So the Moral of this Story:


Jedi Power Battles can serve a purpose after all!




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Guest Acid_Rain327

Damn...and I was using my copy as a coaster...



Where exactly did you trade it?

That's it, I'm hitting the game specialty stores this weekend.




[This message has been edited by Acid_Rain327 (edited July 20, 2000).]

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Guest the13thJedi

I found it at a locally owned Game store for $14.99!! Glee, Joy, Rapture, Final Fantasy Tactics Days have returned!

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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Final Fantasy Tactics is an awesome game. One of my all-time favorite games for the PSX.




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Guest Dave Maul

What is Final Fantasy Tactics? Is it a game in the FF series, or a add-on game for one of them?




Dave Maul

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Guest the13thJedi

It is a full-length strategy/war sim game for Playstation.... Add-ons don't exist in the world of Final Fantasy... Dave, are you even a fan? If you are its hard to believe that you have never heard of FFT. The game is an instant classic.




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Guest Dave Maul

I've heard the title before, but I've never seen the game in the shops.


I have Final Fantasy 7; I bought it as I heard it was a good game, and it was quite cheap. It's actually quite good; however, voices would have been nice.




Dave Maul

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Guest Acid_Rain327

No way dude, it's much better to use your imagination to create voices for the charaters.

Besides, if it was all voices, you'd miss out on a lot: noise in your house would mess things up, you couldn't re-read the messages if you had to go do something and come back, etc.

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Guest the13thJedi

Voice-overs just aren't right for Final Fantasy. They would ruin the whole creative/imaginative side to it.




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Guest Dave Maul

Oops, I've hit a nerve there. That's just my opinion; I prefer voices to reading words. Sorry if I have offended you guys.




Dave Maul

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Hey, I have FF7 too! Haven't played it yet, though. I'm still working on JPB (it'll probably take me awhile, since I've figured out that I have to beat it 16 times before I've really "beaten" it).

BTW, that's 8 characters times 2 difficulty levels- if there is a difference between them. Is there really a difference between the 2 difficulty levels or not?



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[This message has been edited by Markenobi (edited July 22, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Yeah, I always pictured Barret as a cross between Mr. T. and that big guy from The Green Mile/Armageddon.

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Guest Stormtrooper

FF7 rules! I think that the materia system in it is really good, because it gives you a reason to do it over and over again, getting better combinations as you learn more about it... but trading in JPB? how can you do that?

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Guest Wolverine

One question: If you guys hate JPB so much, then why are you still here?




Yer gonna be gettin' me a new bike! I lend ya mine fre one day and ya leave it parked in another dimension. So start raiding the cookie jar, bub, 'cause the lod Canucklehead's gotta have a set o' wheels!
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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Have any of you guys played through FF8? I did, and towards the end of the game (don't worry, I won't spoil the storyline for anyone) this song starts playing, and this lady starts singing! It totally caught me off guard. There are NO OTHER voices in the game, other than that one song. It's kind of funny if you think about it.




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Guest Jedi Dire

*laughs* i think that song is the only thing in ALL Of the games that has voice. and i like that girl singing too ya know

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