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Questions and tidbits


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Ok here are a few things I've yet to figure out about this game. What is the best way to win a saberlock? I thought it was push and rapidly tap attack, but I've run into people that knock me down really fast, is it a script maybe? Secondly, I cannot get that damn floating/ spinning saber trick to work! You need 3 in saber throw, correct? I throw it, strafe and hold down attack and I can sometimes get it to float around me, but it never EVER stays for more than a few rotations. Last question...what is the most effective way to get out of those psycho death grips, where they are throwing you around so much you can't focus on them to push them? Ugh!


Tidbit: Ever try pushing detonators high into the air at the Temple? Gone into thin air, kinda sucks because that board could be really fun otherwise.


P.S. Look for my new server for the 420 Clan in a few weeks. :fett:

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1/ yes, that is the best non 'cheating' way, and yes, there are scripts that win saberlocks in inhuman times simplest being bind x "+attack; -attack". People have also bound attack to the scroll key to win locks, but its up to you to decide whether it is fair or not to use.


2/ a- throw sabre

b- hold primary fire

c- dodge sabre upon its return

d- repeat c until it spins around you rapidly (DO NOT RELEASE ATTACK)

e- taunt (command: +taunt, can be bout to a key by bind x "+taunt") whilst holding down attack to keep the sabre orbiting in place


3/ absorb automatically negates grip as well as almost fully regenerating your force pull. by turning this on, it also prevents your opponent from ever gripping you. pull works as well as, and at a lot of times, better than push as it equates to a knock down 100% of the time. If you are holding a weapon you can also use that to try to knock your opponent off balance. imho, absorb and pull are the best options and in your situation where you cant get the crosshair aimed properly, use absorb.

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