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Quake III Models


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Why would you want to? I mean, weapons are nice and all, but the main reason I bought this game was for the weapon I use 95% of the time - the lightsaber. All the other weapons are like, extras or something for people that just wanted an updated FP shooter but didn't care it was Star Wars.



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I love star wars, and most the time I do use a lightsaber. It's just occasionally I want to play something more like "cowboys and indians" where you use real guns and stuff. It is actually more like a break from so much fake universe things. Believe me, I wouldn't have bought the game if it wasn't for the lightsaber. Also, if they didn't want you to use the guns . . . they wouldn't have snipers and 5 levels where a lightsaber is impossible to use.

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You cannot use the lightsaber on the first 4-5 levels WITHOUT cheating.


I cannot quite remember the format of the quake 3 weapons, it has been a while since I edited it. I do know that JK2 uses one MD3 for the mesh and another for animation via the bones. I still doubt that you could just simply put Q3 weapons straight into JK2 without any modifications. It is very rare for something like that to work without some changes.

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