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Stuck in Cairn Dock

Prince Danger

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Greetings fellow Jedi. I come asking for your help. I am stuck on the Cairn dock level, where I have to "Sneak" through without alerting the guards. I have made it past the rooms with the electric pipes and now face an airlock where on the other side is a room full of imperial scum! I can't seem to either kill them all quickly enough, or mind trick them in time to get into the room. You only seem to have about 3 seconds before the git in the control room hits the alarm, and he is behind a shield. grrr!

Have managed to kill two of the officers with the disruptor rifle (yeah) without alerting anyone, but I have now been stuck here for about 3 hours in this tiny little air lock, and I'm getting cramp!


For the sake of the rebel alliance please help a lonely outcast Jedi!:)

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