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WIP - Geonosian Battle Arena SP by Zeus and ShadyZ


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Sorry Marth thats Zeus's arena Im not a scripter just a model builder :D


I thank you guys for your support. I just everyone could have a high maience machine so we can use alot more "Official" Jedi liek plo koon or kit fisto. But the jedi from jk2 are pretty awesome in action. :D

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Originally posted by Shadyz

Sorry Marth thats Zeus's arena Im not a scripter just a model builder :D


I thank you guys for your support. I just everyone could have a high maience machine so we can use alot more "Official" Jedi liek plo koon or kit fisto. But the jedi from jk2 are pretty awesome in action. :D


Well the majority of the jedi that fought in the arena were like, nondescript Jedi... think about it... of the 200 that went to go fight in the arena, only 20 made it to fight in the opening battle of the Clone Wars with the clone army (and it doesn't say how many of them survived, but at the most, 20)... that's only 10% of the Jedi that arrived. And those 10% were all Jedi that we know the names of... so don't worry about using regular jedi.



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Thanks for the support. I think we should spread out the droids more evenly when it comes to the "MAIN" battle in the arena. After say 15 die more dorids load . But spreading em out increases exposure to you (makes it more difficult) and allows to go around arena so u can see all of the map :D. Oh by the way Anakin that map of yors ROCKS. :D

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Don't bother with the tuts. Just make a box and texture it with the skies/bespin texture. That will create the skybox.


Oh, and about the door question. Just set a key of angle and a value of the angle value...


A question to all : What would be an ideal size for the map. Obviously the more models added, the bigger it will be. It looks like it is not going to be less than 10 megs.


I am busy with my varsity exams at the moment, so the map should come out in about 3 weeks or so.


I will continue to give updates when I have free time :)



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