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Graphics glitch not yet covered here...


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The smoke in Jedi Outcast is dodgy. For example, when my saber is touching a wall, or when I shoot the ground etc, the smoke kicked off has this weird purple haze through it. It's most disturbing, and somewhat annoying. Definitely a graphics glitch.


I have had this problem since I first bought the game when it was released, however I managed to fix it some time ago. After a reformat, I cannot for the life of me remember how I fixed it, and cannot make it go away.


I seem to recall toying with the display settings in the display panel in Windows, but so far it has not availed me this time.


I am running: (Don't laugh, I'm really gonna start saving for a new pc one day.)


P3 500mhz

128mb sdram at 133mhz (I think - may be 100mhz ram, I forget)

20gb 7200rpm hd

Unbranded Nvidia tnt2 m64 (I know :()

Win 2k


I think that's all there is to know - I'm running directx 8.0a at the moment, and the 30.82 detonator drivers. I'm about to try Directx 8.1b and the trial 40.72 detonators, so if they don't melt my pc I'll check back in.





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