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Bounty hunters


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Bit new here realy, so im gonna ask some real n00bie questions, hope someone can help.........


I read on the official webby that Bounty hunter was to be an "elite" class, i also read that this means (in the case of jedis) that you cannot start the game as an elite class. Anyone know if obtaining elite status is gonna be like the horrific level drudge demonstrated in such games as DAoC, where u have to kill the same MoB over and over for endless hours?


Also, if this means that Bounty hunters must start as a different class (profession), what are all you budding bh's out there planning on starting as?


Personally, i am considering many options atm if this is the case. Marksman, Ranger, Medic and Smuggler to name a few...must admit that this would be an excellent way to develop a character.


Say you were a battlefield medic pushed too far by the sight of death that you decided to distribute your own kind of justice (and get paid too, of course) to the evil beings of the galaxy.


Or a smuggler who reckons that by hunting a few rebels for the Empire, they may be able to use the contracts as a nice excuse to slip illegal goods through to areas other smugglers would be foolish to go. That, or gain certain otherwise unobtainable "immunities" in exchange for their services.


Love to hear your ideas.

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I'm not 100% sure ... yet ... on how the selection screen is gonna work, but I think you can start the game without choosing a profession at all. All you have to do is allocate your available skillpoints to whatever skill you want (those that are available to you at startup that is ;) ) and start playing. You can also select a predetermened skill choice (profession), but those that want to do it manually can do so, either like I said earlier or slightly different from how the preset chose your skills for a profession.


There isn't only one set of skillchoice that will decide your profession, one can have more of one skill than the other giving you the upperhand in that skill, but suffering in the other skill. Still, this could be more advantages than the standard.

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I'm planning on being a bounty hunter too and as for your idea of doing it on the side I'm not so sure that would really work. You have to get a certain set of skills to take bounty missions. So if your planning to dabble in all those different areas it may be hard to be a bounty hunter. You can still probably do it but it will take a lot longer.

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rydur I don't think he meant he would dibble in all those professions, if thats what you were thinking.


He means he would start of as a marksman and work his way up to bounty hunter.


I think it would be wise to choose a profession similar to skills a bounty hunter would need, and then put some skill points in other places that would be benificial to a bounty hunter, but not relating directly to your career.


ie. if your a marksman, putting points in slicing would probably be a good idea. If you wanna check out a really good pre-game guide go to stratics Here.

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