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Duel_SE MOD, FFA multiduel


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Jaii told me to post in here too, since it hasn't got enough attention yet. everyone who likes intense dueling with no disturbance and no timelimit or rush, check this out!

put your quadro saber from jediplus aside and come back into the serious world of dueling. admins might want to check out the account system which gives them the ability to store server passwords for every player (or remove it again). great for leagues or statistic freaks who are sick of the name faking and stuff...







Title : Duel_SE (Duel,special edition)

Author : NITEMARE, Jaii der Herr

E-Mail : nitemare@nitemares.de


Website : http://www.nitemares.de/duel_se/


File Name : Duel_SE.zip

File Size : 637kb

Date Released : 15.10.2002


Installation :unpack to gamedata and run jk2mp.exe +set fs_game Duel_SE

only suported game mode for now is FFA with saber only and no weapons, because

players cannot activate their sabers until they enter a duel, and no score is awarded

for kills outside duels. Team modes are not affected but not fully tested.


Description :This mod is in first place thought for the hardcore duelists out there. Tired

of the duel gametype? The alternative to this waiting would be FFA with multiple

duels allowed. But then it depends on the discipline of the players. This mod

eliminates the risk of beeing disturbed by other players while you are in a private

duel. As soon as you enter a duel, all other players disapear leaving you alone with

your opponent. The other players can still see you and can walk through you. The

only thing remaining are the saber sounds of another couple dueling (don't know if

Jaii can fix this some day).

Plus it adds a fraglimit and eliminates the limit range where the duel would

be terminated. Another feature is the login system. If turned on only players

mentioned in the pwnames.cfg can join if they entered their password. Combined with

a web interface where players can register accounts, an admin can make his server a

nice place to play and stay. No renaming is allowed then, except the admin changes it

in the cfg manualy.

Especially leagues can benefit from this mod. With one server they can host more fights

than than ever before. Players just have to get on a free slot and meet their opponent.

Then challange each other to a duel. They can play without inteference of other players

until the given fraglimit is reached. If there still are disturbing players who somehow

cheat or do other nasty stuff, they can be banned easily by removing them from the cfg

file. Even for statistiks its perfekt, since name faking is not possible! On top of that

there is an extra logfile (duel.log) which only logs duel outcomes. example:

20:04 DUELSTART: 5 0: Jaii der Herr vs -|U|-NITEMARE

20:32 ROUNDEND 5 0 1 0: Jaii der Herr vs -|U|-NITEMARE - 1:0

21:02 ROUNDEND 5 0 2 0: Jaii der Herr vs -|U|-NITEMARE - 2:0

21:51 ROUNDEND 0 5 1 2: -|U|-NITEMARE vs Jaii der Herr - 1:2

22:33 ROUNDEND 5 0 3 1: Jaii der Herr vs -|U|-NITEMARE - 3:1

22:33 DUELEND 5 0 5: Jaii der Herr vs -|U|-NITEMARE - Jaii der Herr wins


Please contact me if you have any interest in making this mod better and bigger!

Modmakers are welcome to a code exchange. The spurce code will be released as soon as the

mod reaches a certain stability and perfection.


Comments :For the mod to work make sure the pwnames.cfg is in the Duel_SE folder and it contains "EOF"

at the end of the file. even if you dont want to use the login system! But it should work if

you unpacked all the files correctly. The password has to be 8 chars long and generated by a

good random generator. I'll put a sample php script which should show how it works. Upload the

login folder on your website and try it out. It should add your pwd and name. But you should

know some php because it doesnt work lik it should rightnow(look into the script). Then copy the

pwnames.cfg and upload it to your game server overwriting the old one. We are working on a

league here in germany which will use this feature. Anybody who is interessted can ask me

about some php code.




Credits :Jaii der Herr (90% of the main features), Mccloud (part of the login system),

Tchoucky (RGB sabers), Cowwithoutbrain (the first weapon damage cvars)




Known bugs :A player who comes out of a duel can't see the other dueling players which he could see before.

There are man other things that could occur, but if you use this mod as intended (ffa, saber only)

it should work fine. Team game modes should be ok tho. I just checked CTY once to see if everything

works how it should...




g_UsePwd //turn to 1 if you want to use the login system

g_PwdSite http://www.yoursite.de //if a player is not joining with one of the passwords writen in the pwnames.cfg a

message comes with the url you can specify here so they know where ot get an account


g_DuelAlpha //the transparency for dueling player

g_sabermode //set to 1 if you want saber throw to behave accordingly to the saber stance

g_multiduel_scorelimit // sets the fraglimit for private duels


//these cvars alter the exact damage value



















//sp= special

//bs= backstabb


//these two cvars are set to 1 in the Duel_SE.cfg so i can use the exact damage values for the saber cvars

the default-set.cfg has all the default values which come with the source code

the necessity of these two came to mind as i was setting heavy stance to 45-45 thus removing the luck factor

but the multiplier responsible for the unblockable attacks still messed around and dealt more damage as it should

so no everything is set to 1 so saber damage always gets multiplied by 1 heh...however some attacks still make double

the damage, i still couldnt find the cause but its rare and does not mess up the gameplay...


saber_unblockable //the multiplier to increase damage for unblockable moves

saber_jedi //the multiplier to decrease saber damage dealt to jedis with a saber



//misc cvars


mod_tckcolors // Tchouky's rgb saber colors, set to 0 to disable it


saber_hitbox //this is the block hitbox, make it bigger to increase the blocking range around the saber


splitjvm // set to 1 splits jedi from mercs in teamgames with g_jediVmerc beeing enabled, so jedis are

in team red and mercs in team blue. for me it makes no sense to force team games to that,

but can be a good option tho so i made it a cvar instead of deleting the code...

merc_detpack // mercs spawn with extra 3 detonation packs and 3 tripmines

merc_sniper // mercs spawn with an extra sniperrifle



//by cowwithoutbrain

//these cvars alter the damage value in percentage, eg. wdam_rock 200 would make the rocketlauncher do double damage.


//wdam_ weapon's damage

//wdam2_ Weapon's splash damage

//wspd_ Weapon's projectile velocity


wdam_kick kick damage(1 is minimum, 18 is default)

kickchance the chance to knock someone to the ground (1-10, where 1 is 10% and 10 are 100%)



wdam_bryar Bryar Pistol



wdam_blast E11 Blaster



wdam_disr1 Tenloss Disruptor



wdam_bow Wookiee Bowcaster



wdam_rep1 Heavy Repeater






wdam_demp1 DEMP2




wdam_flech1 Golan Arms Flechette





wdam_rock Personal Rocket Launcher




wdam_stun Stun Baton


wdam_therm Thermal Detonator




wdam_trap Laser Trap / Trip Mine



wdam_det Det Pack



wdam_saber1 Lightsaber

wdam_light Force Lightning Damage







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Originally posted by Jaii der Herr

and how often do you get that bug?

And cvar settings would be helpful




Oh, and did you play with bots?


yes thats with bots. but it happens against real players too.


cvars are just the same as I use with other mods. same basic set up as we used with promod, jedimod and jediplus. I aint the only one who experiences this, it was one of te main reasons one of our top players gave up playing duel se servers. Ther bug disrupts the flow very badly.


I cnat help you with the cvarlist, I got other stuff to be doing sorry



Also, those screenies are from one fight. not a good sign eh?

I would say that 7/10 yellow finishers are affected.

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hmm strange, i know this bug but dont know how we got rid of it. it was not long ago that i experienced it too and it was annoying. but now i do those yellow finisher quite often without any hops. and strange it is because i never had so much depth at coding. just some cvars to control damage and other values. but nothing with movement and stuff like this. dont know what to do about it i'm just happy it's not happening on our servers.

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My first analyses is the following:


I never got such an animation? error


My suggestion is to run the mod with the cvar settings recomened

like lightsaber only

only ffa mode

no combat outside duels

no bots


try the Board-For-All.de sponsored by gamigostrike.de powered by gamigostrike

or Board-For-All.de sponsored by gamehost.at



If you got that error there please report.

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