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Server Crashed!?!?!


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OK, as of 2 days ago my server has crashed! i got a email form the compant saying this:


On 10/19/2002 3:01:46 AM you reported AUTO SCMS Error Reporting:Unable to contact network or system


On 10/19/2002 6:44:38 PM Your server has been restarted. Your server is unable to start because it cant' find the map you are tring to load.


On 10/19/2002 8:12:03 PM You need to fix your mapcycle because your server can not find the maps.


Can sombody please shed some light on this problem. In my autoexec.cfg, at the bottom, there is a command "maps.cfg". sombody said this is for map rotation. but in my gamedata on the server there is no "maps.cfg" do i need to create a new one? or can i simpley just turn map cycle off to fix this?


How do i create a "maps.cfg"?? how do i write one?


thanx for your time


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