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WIP: Gimli's Axes - LOTRTC


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3 more models for the Lord of the Rings Total Conversion.


i only have one of the 3 axes done right now, and i'm in the process of putting it ingame now.


pics: Lord of the Rings TC Weapon Models


hope you all like it, i made it in bout 30 minutes in Rhino 3d.


I've started on the Battle Ax, and that should be done by friday, and i'll have some pics of it.


Sting and Narsil pics should be up soon also.

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actually, it's not a skin at all. I just textured the model using textures that were included in Rhino. The skins for all the models in the mod will be done by other people, as soon as we can get some skinners. I'm just doing the modeling. I added in the textured to give a basic picture of what it looks like, the skin will be much, much, more detailed.


I'm working on the battle ax now, and hope to have it finished by the end of the week.


If the mod can get some good skinners soon, then the axes might be released before the actual TC.


thanks again.

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If any one has any GOOD close up pictures of any of gimli's axes (including the one i've already modeled), i would apprecieate it a lot. i already have pictures of them, but there from the movie, and not really good enough to make a detailed model.


thanks again.

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almost got the battle ax done, working on the grip details now.


brinkster finally put my site back up so i'll reupload the renders, in JPGs this time instead in BMPs, as soon as i get home (i at school now).


I still could use some more ref pics though for the skin and also for making the model more perfect.

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