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Amount of polys?


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I origionally thought it was 3200, but I have seen one (Toonces' Kit Fisto) that is over 3300, and it still works, albet it slow the game down a little if you have 2 or 3 variants of him in game, but altogether it really doesn't slow the game down that much if you go over 3200.

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You have to consider that the engine doesn't set maximums according to polygonal faces, but rather by vertex or (more accurately) UV count. The maximum saber UV count is 1000. I know, as I have exceeded it several times while trying to create my own saber hilt. :p As long as you keep the UVs at most 1000, then you should be ok. Some more anal retentive people will tell you sabers aren't huge objects, therefore should only use a minimum of the poly count pool. I say BLEH to those people. Use whatever polys necessary to define your work. The key word there is necessary. You should always be aware of places where you can remove faces/vertices that are extraneous and do not add some form of detail to the model. However, to use vertices/faces to create detail, those are the important faces and should not be compromised because someone else doesn't want to use a saber over 500 polys. They don't have to use it if they feel that way. :)


So basically, you be the judge. The game engine will tell you if it will let you load the model or not, and if it is successfully loaded, then at least you know you have a working game model. You should never stop optomizing just because it is in-game, but again, don't rob yourself of detail if you want it. Some detail just can't be done in texture alone. Good luck!

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usually if it doesn't help define the shape you don't need it, so if its just smoothing things out more chances are your wasting polys. If you have a cyclinder with 6 sections and the top is scaled in a little, your wasting poly's.


Remember if you have a model thats around 3400 for every 5-7 people your basically making up a whole new model. Most servers are under 15 people so I shouldn't be that big of a hit. Make LODS and you should be fine.

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Read Spacemonkeys tutorial, he explains LOD's quite well


Loki is correct, there is a soft cap, 3000 is just a suggestion. Kit clocked in at 3300 basically, but I did 2 LOD's for him, one at 2200, the second at 1100, this greatly eases the load on lower end systems. Stick 6 non LOD 3000 poly charecters ingame with 6 3300 charecters with LOD's. up close you MIGHT notice more slowdown when the 3300 charecters are close to you, but considering that as they get further away the engine is able to render the lod's at a distance, the 3300 charecters would preform better than the 3000 poly charecters.

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