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Clothing the character model NooB


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I was wonding if anyone can point to a tutorial or give any tips about modeling lose clothing on a character ( say a karate uniform )

Hm i can only find resources which gives u body modeling.


any help would be appreciated.




ps:Dont spam me about looking in the resource sections as i have and have not found anything usfull for a model i want to do.



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I'm a newbie as well, but I can give you some pointers. I was through several tutorials, models samples, meshes and websites about anatomy, the works.


One thing that I learned was: first make a sketch for your model idea. (front and side views). If you can understand spanish this site will be helpful http://www.dibujando.com

If not, don't worry, you can found links for english versions of the tutorials in the same page.


Also, a good idea is using some anatomy drawings as a template. Check this site http://www.fineart.sk


From here is just pulling vertices together and too much patience.


Hope this will help you out.


The karate uniform idea is very nice. I was an martial arts student sometime ago in place far far away, btw that uniform is called "gi"

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