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Water Help!!


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JK2\GameData\base\shaders <- check that folder


Copy "waterfall" from yavin.shader to your own shader file, change names and settings then add it to shaderlist.txt. You also need to make pk3 file that contains your shader if you want others to see you water ;)


Some urls that might help you:







I tried trigger_push but the problem was that players cant swim in it, they just bounce around and going upstream was impossible :(

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trigger_push works after all, but only in sp ! :(

heres the values if someone is interested (yes its basic conveyor):





spawnflags 48

speed 128

target *yourtarget*

wait 0.1






targetname *yourtarget*



so if you have any ideas that would work in mp plz post them !

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Originally posted by SkN

How do you amke a water look like its flowing a certain direction?

say...im making a waterfall, and i want the water to amke it look like its flowing down.


This is off topic but....

Your name suggests that you might be someone that I know in real life... you wouldn't happen to live in the San Francisco area would you?

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