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An idea for modders / coders

Jah Warrior

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  • 2 weeks later...

finaly someone who shares my thoughts on it. i get flamed by players not used to play without this exploit because i have reduced damage. so i advise you to get a mod which lets you adjust damage settings. vulcanus can do this and our mod too.

there seem to be more bugs rightnow and i can't tell how to get rid of them. there is fore one thing this yellow dfa jump bug. you make a retarded jump instead of the dfa. but that is not caused by our mod, because on our servers it does not occur and i saw it happen on basejk servers too. we have a different bug with the ghoul2collision feature. it blocks way to often and it screws up gameplay. even as i made a blank compile of the original source it still was there...

way to go

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