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MODDERS READ THIS! Great things to be implemented in future mods.


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I thought that there were a few game issues that had not yet been addressed and probably could be done by the community at large. So here are some of my suggestions for things that would be major improvements over vurrent jedimod or jediplus packages:



Ok... i tried 2x sizing the .jpg's for the glow2 and line for each color. This simply makes a crisper image... the images ingame are not scaled 2x, but simply the same size as before.


Before I come across as a moron... I kind of expected this. :)


But this leaves me with a very serious question... If one wanted to make teh actual glow 2x larger (or 4x, etc.) how would one go about this? Is this a shader aspect or something hard-coded that would need to be rewritten.


Here's my beef... I think that much, much more could be done with the lightsabers than what Raven has done. I mean, cmon, there are only 2 graphical aspects to the lightsaber blade: color_line.jpg and color_glow2.jpg. I want 3 or 4 layers.. .and teh ability to do complex animations with the saber pulse or ignition... or even make them fatter and oval like when viewed at a distance (like in the movies). I just think that there should be alot more to the system than there is right now.



Saber modeling is so fun now with the selectable hilt mods. But there is still a MAJOR problem with this system... the double-bladed saber.


When modeling a saber, there are 2 tags you should make so the engine knows how to interact with the hilt. tag_parent is for where the saber connects to the hand... and is largely unnecessary. tag_flash is where the saber blade is emitted... most necessary.


But a big problem with trying to use a double-bladed saber is that the second blade emits from a fixed distance in the opposite direction of tag_flash... which looks horrid on longer or shorter hilts (darth maul saber for example).


Perhaps a new tag(s) could be implemented (tag_flash2, tag_flash3, etc.) that would allow modellers to specify exactly where and what orientation the second blade(s) will emit... or even to have a 3 pronged saber. (of course the extra blades on one end would have to be "dummy" blades that do little to no damage)


This would add a whole new depth to the saber system by fleshing-out the extras even more. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.



When JediMOD and JediPLUS implemented the hilt selector and blade color specifiers, it added so much more to multiplay. But what's missing?


Customiseable sounds and graphics! Like custom hilts, a player could choose what sound set to use as well as what blade styles to use! Great if done correctly.



Maybe a tutorial on how to add new basic colors of sabers to multiplayer for aspiring modders would be nice. Just a thought. :)





Post your own ideas for good new mod features!

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1. That isn't going to make anything crisper. You're basically doubling the size of the image then reducing it by half. It's the same thing. Making the actual stuff wider is in some code somewhere, you can only change it for MP.


2. I don't see why not.


3. Okay.


4. Okay.

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Originally posted by Emon

1. That isn't going to make anything crisper. You're basically doubling the size of the image then reducing it by half. It's the same thing. Making the actual stuff wider is in some code somewhere, you can only change it for MP.


2. I don't see why not.


3. Okay.


4. Okay.


Yeah, I get wwhat you're saying. You've misunderstood me... or I didn't elaborate enough. What I meant is that a made NEW pictures that were double the size of the existing ones... not simpyl "blew them up". If i simply enlarged existing pictures then it would be futile... but I made new high-res pictures for it to use.

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Originally posted by Scotchy


When JediMOD and JediPLUS implemented the hilt selector and blade color specifiers, it added so much more to multiplay. But what's missing?

WTF man?

what exactly did it `do to multiplay? it's just a gimmick! so now every one has his own color and hilt, more room for individualism. but after a week or two it's not important anymore during a fight that again goes terribly wrong because the gameplay still sux.

i admitt that i would love to see a feature like chracter generation were u can choose your looks by mixing body pasrts and closes and skins and stuff. but thats not easy to do if ever...

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Originally posted by NITEMARE

WTF man?

what exactly did it `do to multiplay? it's just a gimmick! so now every one has his own color and hilt, more room for individualism. but after a week or two it's not important anymore during a fight that again goes terribly wrong because the gameplay still sux.

i admitt that i would love to see a feature like chracter generation were u can choose your looks by mixing body pasrts and closes and skins and stuff. but thats not easy to do if ever...


Here's my take on it: JK2 is immersion for me... gameplay is great and fine, but the immersion and complexity of the game is what im interested in... the more complex (while optimised of course), the better IMO.


To me, adding individualism and immersion to the game IS alot... ALOT more than some weapon damage tweak or new gametype. I'm not saying that those types of mods are unimportant or not the best, but they don't jump out at me as saying "this makes the game BETTER" as opposed to "this makes the game DIFFERENT".








To everyone else... this is a spot to put good ideas for things that should be implemented inf future mod releases... post ideas!

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well i understand your oppinion but i have to say that you are playing the wrong game. it's just good for the combat element of starwars, nothing more. mabe a good mod team makes an rpg mod of it but untill then better go for stawars galaxies when it's done. there you get individualism and stuff. i like that too but regarding things realisticaly, this is a combat only game. there's nothing much else to do than fight. but that's not that bad because you don't have to spend so much time on it. and you get a more accurate and intense combat system which would not be possible in a mmorpg due to the pings.

so all your favourite features from jedimod get realy unimportant if you emerge deeply into the combat system, then suddenly there are more important things than how you look. there are many things which disturb a descent saber fight. and the gameplay still depends to much on the players(some nice, others annoying...). we changed that in Duel_SE (see my sig).

but there is more to do. so individualism thorugh looks is not a good idea to go for with this engine, it's just not made for such features. but there are other ideas i have (and hopefully accomplish some day) which deliver individualism in combat! like a simple skill and atributes system. even the simplest rpg system would require much testing and ballancing but it would be worth the work.

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