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Scouts, Cavalry

Darth Windu

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For SW:GB, there really is no need for cavalry, and even if there was a need it could easily be replaced by another unit. I therefore propose that the civ's scouts for SW:GB 2 become-


Empire = Speeder Bike w/pilot

Republic = Speeder Bike w/pilot

Rebels = Tautaun w/rider

Trade Federation = STAP w/pilot

Confederacy = Same as GB

Naboo = Same as GB

Gungans = Gungan Cavalry

Wookies = same as GB



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George is the one who decided that the galactic forces needed cavalry. He's the one who put Tauntaun and Dewback riders in a military that had hovercraft and such and so Lucasarts is merely following suite and sticking with canon. Tuantaun riders were in the movies so they should be in the game. I dont think cavalry and scouts should be merged. They are fine how they are IMHO.

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you have got to be kidding me...

this guy must suck at this game so bad it's not even funny.

he wants the most vanilla version of this game managable ( <-- is that spelled right?) so he can beat any enemy with 1, generic, can kill any guy, unit.

amazing... simply amazing... he has no clue how to play this damn game. and i'm guessing he never plays online because he'd get slaughtered.

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