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Should Unique Units replace regular units?

Darth Windu

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I was wondering what the community would think of UU's replacing regular units. What i mean by this is that, for example, the Naboo Royal Crusader would be its cavalry, the Trade Federation Droideka would be its strike mech etc. Of course there would still be some UU's which would compliment the civ, such as the A-wing for the Rebels.



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This is for GB2, right?

If it's for GB1 then I think it's too late to make such a change.

If it's for GB2 and Unique Sets are used, then of course every unit will be a UU and there will be no generic mounties, fighters, etc. So UU's would be the only units period.

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The UU might be better overall, but the regular unit might be cheaper. So people might choose to build the non-UU instead. Course the price might be evened out if one were eliminated. Personally though, there are a number of canonical units I wouldn't want to see disappear, if for no other reason than they are canon. Using your example: I love the DDs and HDDs, but I'd probably miss seeing the STAPs...



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Windu, no. Droidekas and STAP's will be separate units with different uses/stats/costs/bonuses. I personally doubt they will include the current naboo mountie, but i dont think they will shrink the RC down to its level. Those are the only two i can think of replacing units, unless you want to kiss the gunship goodbye:)

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Well using the trade fed as an example, the mech line would go-


Scout = STAP

Strike Mech = Droideka (UU)

Mech Destroyer = AAT

Assault Mech = MTT


As i said, the idea goes that if there is a UU with better stats than a generic unit, such as the case with the Droideka, should it replace the Generic unit outright (assuming cost, build time remains unchanged)?


Some of the units which would be replaced by UU's would be-


Naboo Cavalry = Royal Crusader

Empire Strike Mech = Dark Trooper

Empire Scout = Probot

Republic Fighter = Jedi Starfighter (assuming its given fighter weapons)


and of course there would still be some UU's which wouldnt replace any generic units, such as the A-wing and Gungan Fambaa shield generator.

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Well assuming that the Gunship and Jedi Master are made Republic UU's, the Gunship would replace the Republic Bomber, and the Jedi Master would replace the Jedi Knight.

Are you crazy (dont answer, that was a rhetorical question:))? Not only is the gunship NOTHING like a bomber and jedi masters and jedi knights were able to be used concurrently, this completely goes against what YOU said in the gunship thread about the gunship being unique. In fact, the gunship's uniqueness was your only arguement on the matter, so, if the gunship is no longer unique enough to be a UU, but instead a bomber, THEN WHY DO YOU WANT IT TO BE A UU IN THE FIRST PLACE? And, if you're just going to turn it into a bomber, THEN WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE IT AS A FIGHTER (which more closely resembles a gunship), AND DROP THE SUBJECT ALREADY?

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The Gunship is more like the bomber then the Fighter. It is pathetic vs air, and is good vs mechs, heavies and buildings.


Also, it would be a UU, and would hence replace the bomber, but have greater abilities, such as the ability to carry 2 infantry units.


This also assumes that bombers would use rockets instead of bombs.

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So Windu, let me get your idea straight...


Units that are presently unique but bear similarities (no matter how minor) too other existing units should replace those units as superior versions. However, units that are presently unique but don't resemble existing units remain as unique units. Is that it?


Most of your ideas I can see some sense behind but this is just plain bad. So the Royal Crusader (who is already a unit made up specifically for the game) replaces the Naboo mounted trooper, and Naboo get another different unique unit, that will also have to be made up specifically for the game? Or are you suggesting those civs who would undergo unique unit replacement would just not have a unique unit anymore? The latter would be silly.

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sith - your problem is that you like to see favouritism in every suggestion, just so you can concoct some reasonable objection to it in your head


Also, what the hell are 'Sponge Bob Square Pants'?


I would also like to point out that the statement of "Bombers drop bombs" while true is misleading.


Aircraft such as the F/A-18, F-14, F-15, F-16 etc also carry bombs, yet are called fighter's.


Aircraft such as the B-52, B-1, B-2 etc carry missiles, mines etc yet are called bomber's.

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Windu your arguement would have been valid if we were discussing the real army of the United States. But we are discussing a made up army in a game, where gameplay>realism and the Western worlds current airforce has no relevance.

sith - your problem is that you like to see favouritism in every suggestion, just so you can concoct some reasonable objection to it in your head

No i see favoritism in posts that want to give units the republic while downszing everyone else.

Also, what the hell are 'Sponge Bob Square Pants'?

Oh, yeah, I forgot after that whole Nick News thing that you dont get Nickelodeon. You havent lived (or died for that matter)unitl you watch Sponge Bob. Actually its a cartoon show that chicks find quite entertaining.

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