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Should Unique Units replace regular units?

Darth Windu

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Look. Everybody.

Is anyone here suggesting that we make an 100% EU game? No! Is anyone here suggesting that the large and popular movie civs will NOT be made into civs? No! (well I'm not anyway.)


Movie civs? Fine. You want the Hutt Cartel? I'm fine with that. Sounds good. Bespin? Eh... maybe. Whatever.


But the point is that we need more. Taking a single practically unknown movie character and turning him into a civ is not a good idea. To support this, I point out to you the proposed Trandoshan civ. Now I ask Windu, who has never read EU and I suppose only knows stuff from games etc, where is a Trandoshan in the movies?


EU fans will know that the only Trandoshan shown in all of the movies is Bossk the bounty hunter, shown in the scene in ESB where Vader is talking to a bunch of bounty hunters. Is this enough to make a civ? I think not! This is almost the same as using an all-EU civ like the Yuuzhan Vong, with the exception that the Yuuzhan Vong have a damned lot of material to draw from and would be perfect to make into a civ.


I'm pretty sure I've said this before. Many times before. But here we go again:

The game will have the well-known movie civs, and most likely including Episode III civs. These will be backed up by a selection of EU civs, which will appeal to EU fans, and will eventually become familiar (and hopefully popular) with the ones that bought the game just for the canon.


Totally canon is not enough. The current game doesn't use totally canon. In fact, it uses a great deal of EU, eg with the Wookies. Do you hate the Wookies, Vostok?

And, I know, the Wookies are incredibly well known. Are the Mon Cals, though? Are the Trandoshans?


Movies>EU is fine, IF it fits in with gameplay>realism.

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No I don't hate the Wookiees, but at least they fit in with the main themes of Star Wars which the Vong do not.


What is Star Wars? It's a political epic that just happens to be set in space. Every civ in the Star Wars movies has an army for a political agenda. The Wookiees and Gungans fight from freedom, the Naboo keep a ceremonial army in honour of their political leader, and the other civs fight for protection or control of the galaxy as a whole.


The Vong, however, are not a political entity. They are a race from another galaxy that just wants to kill and maim (I believe). They aren't in it for their political ideals, they just like to fight. This does not fit Star Wars.


And I agree they shouldn't make a Trandoshan civ. But a Trandoshan civ would be a billion times better than a Chiss civ as someone suggested on these boards a while ago. There are about two or three Trandoshans in the Star Wars movies, but there are also only about two or three Chiss in the entire EU, and NOT in the movies. Now that civ would suck.


And yes I know no one is suggesting that here. I was just making a point.

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So what if they do not follow the movie at 100%?


Allright. allright. Let's see what civs we have left that won't be 99% EU.


-Hutt Cartel

-Bespin(come on! not even a full civ! Just a little mining colony!)

-Mon Calamari(enough to be a civ)


And that is pretty much it!


The rest is simply one seen character that has almost no importance(like Trandoshans).


Wouldn't you like more civs?

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Once again, Vostok, you're simply illuminating for us why you don't happen to like EU. But I'll rebut you anyway.

Main themes of SW? Er... SW is totally about politics? Right.

The Yuuzhan Vong do pursue political beliefs- or, to be more specific, deep religious beliefs, which are core to their political system. They are fighting to maim and kill 'the pathetic infidels who shy from pain.' Or some such.


I wasn't suggesting a Chiss civ, but they do seem like a good idea. Especially considering that (as I've heard) their armies and the like have been shown in detail in NJO.


Sith and others: Too many cooks spoil a broth, you say? Tell that to the development team, I'm sure they'd be pleased to fire a whole bunch of workers.

But I get what you mean, and I think I should point out that nobody was suggesting very many civs. We're looking at the current civs, the main civs in Episode III (2 or 3, probably) and several EU civs. For example, the New Republic, Smugglers Union, Hutt Cartel (which is canon, I guess), Yuuzhan Vong.

This makes.... 14?

Now, how many civs are in RoN? How many civs and mini-civs (with the god choices) are in AoM??

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RoN has 18, but therein lies one of its greatest faults. The large amount of civs amounts to little uniqueness among civs, and those civs with early economic or military bonuses being used almost exclusively. Personally, I think BHG is asking for it by giving the Russians an extra villager with no resourse defeciet. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Anything over 10 is excessive, and i think that the optimal number is between 7 and 9.

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