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LOTR models in the works.


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Hi, i'd like to know what LOTR models are currently in the works.

Im thinking about starting work on one, but i wouldnt want to waste time on a project someone else has started working on already.


I already browsed these forums, but i still need some confirmation.


Ok, i was thinking about doing Legolas or Sauron since i already made those a while ago for quake2, i could just buff up the detail and reskin them et voila, new LOTR model.


So, is anyone working on those 2 ?

If so, got any other suggestions ?

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The only one I can confirm is Gandalf, by Madjai, and it's almost done except for the sounds (which i'm working on). I remember seeing a couple other threads on them, but I think they've been forgotten or abandoned. There's also LOTR weapons models being made.

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i'm the weapons modeler for the LOTRTC. i'm currently working on Gimli's axes, Narsil, Sting and Glamdring, but in total i'm going to be making about 20 models.


your sauron model looks great and me and the rest of the TC staff would love to have you join the TC, cause we really need some character modelers.


thanks, and great job on that model, it really does look good!

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