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Guest Thermal

Yesterday (May3rd) Lucasarts announced a new Episode 1 game called The Battle of Naboo. It's a lot like Rogue Squadron and it's gonna be for the N64. Since I don't have a Nintendo, I didn't read the details but you can find out the general release time from lucasarts.com or someone here probably knows.


On May 10th (next Wedsnday) they are going to announce 5 new games. I'm sure most of them will be StarWars games but I bet one or two will be original Lucasarts titles since five new SW games will put the total upcoming SW game count to NINE which I think is quite a few. Of course some might be one game on several platforms like Rogue Squadron was for PC and N64. If they count those as seperate "announcements" then there might be only a few new games really.


A lot of people here seem to think that one of the "announcements" will be JPB on a different platform, but I'm still kind of skeptical. But I guess we'll know for sure on May 10th.

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