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Just for clarification....

Guest jedihorn1

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Guest jedihorn1

For those of you who have just recently joined us at this forum and have been getting caught up in all this Ki-Adi nonsense, this is for you:

1. He is NOT in the game, get over it. We have searched for months trying to find him. Several people have hacked the disc. Some have even asked the Lucas people. HE isn't there, nor is anyone else but those who have been publicised.


2. Some people find it amusing to post stuff saying that they have found him, and to get all the newbies caught up in the craze. Examples of this have been recent, so I have no need to say more.


3. In case you missed it, those who have posted false rumors have been banned by Kurgon (after being disproven and humiliated). So if you get the bright idea to post garbage....don't.


4. JPB has been out for months now and a new version has been released for Dreamcast. Trust me, if there could possibly be more hidden stuff, it would have been found by someone here or publisised by LucasArts just to keep all the PSX people interested.


So there you go. You have been informed. This post is just ment to save some of you from the crud most of us have gone through before. You can choose to ignore this post; It is up to you. But just remember you have been repeatedly warned.

(BTW: about the name in the credits thing; I could be mistaken but I believe that someone said that he did the voice for the droids, thats why his name is there twice.)




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Guest jedihorn1

Me too. Yoda would be cool, but he would look funny with a lightsaber. Maybe they could do it with him just having Force moves, only having say 5 or six of them, and the only Force he would have to use is for the three strongest.




Check out the best site for SW news rumors, fan fiction, chat and more! The Jedi Temple

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Guest the13thJedi

It's kinda saddening when you think about it.


Its most likely that the fight scene Yoda will have will probably be his last, making it the only time we will ever see hiom in action. I think the same may go for Mace too (My speculation is he will end up dying at the end of Ep II.)




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Guest the13thJedi

But how does anyone know for sure... Especially if they haven't seen a full script.


Perhaps Liam Neeson thought he would return for Ep II, and look what happened to Qui-Gon. Kinda doubt we'll be seeing him as a Jedi Spirit, either.


Food for thought.




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Guest jedihorn1

Actually, Liam Neeson has mentioned that he may be back for Ep.3. And I am pretty sure(not positive) that SLJ has said that he won't die in EP.2, but for certain, he will be back for the third. All this I am getting from theforce.net. From all that I have heard about EP2, it isn't going to be the darkest of the 3. Supposedly, Anakin and Amidala are sposed to be married by the end, and Anakin hasn't really headed down the Dark path yet. (the producer has stated as much). Ep.3 is where we see anakin fall and the rise of Darth Vader (and the purge). More than likly we won't see Yoda fight until the third one (I would wait till 3 if I were Lucas. Give the fans something to look forward to.) Vader is supposedly going to have 30 min of on-screen time in 3. How they plan on having Anakins fall and rise of DV all in one movie I don't know. This is all that I have heard and some of my own speculation thrown in.




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Guest Kurgan

Liam being back could mean several different things:


1) He plays another character (unlikely)


2) He will appear in a flashback (events before his death).


3) He will appear as a Jedi Spirit.


4) He will appear as a clone (unlikely?).


Seeing Yoda use a lightsaber in battle would do it for me. ; ) One fight scene is better than none for five movies (he wasn't in ANH, after all).


I just hope that GL doesn't skimp and skip over major huge events to focus on more boring aspects. For example, I fear that the opening titles for Ep. 2 or 3 could begin like this:


"After the Jedi triumphed in the Clone Wars..."




"The Great Jedi Purge has been completed..."


And then we don't get to see 'em. That would suck! You never know with George... he wants to keep us guessing it seems like.





[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 31, 2000).]

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