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How do mp servers work?

Mr Wolf

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For several days now I have been having seroius problems finding a low ping server.


When I press "get new servers" I often only get 2 or 3 servers on the list and usually they have enormous pings. I then press it again and get different servers also with large pings.


Eventually I get one with a "low" ping of about 200, but when I join the game my ping is often lower, eg below 100.


Then after a while the ping soars to 999 and I am stuck for a while until it returns.


WTF is going on?


How do the servers work?


Is there one central place that all the other servers connect to?


If so where is it?


If I set up a server for me and my mate in the next street, does the conection go through another country to get to my mate?


I have been playing since day one, and these problems are only a recent thing for me.


BTW I know about third party game finders, and my cable modem is working perfectly otherwise.


I would just like to know why this is happening, and if possible whos fault it is.


I feel sorry for people who have just bought this game.




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I don't know about the rest of you, but for about 3 months now my in-game browser has been total crap also.


I get only 20-25 servers and the pings are way off the charts.



I would try a third party browser if I were you/anyone new.


GameSpy is very newbie friendly, ASE is too, but it has to be registered after a while ($$$).


The best free one is @ http://www.qtracker.com



And yes, there is a "master server" (Raven), but connecting to a dedicated server in your country/area/city/town, should by most accounts, give you a low ping.

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Well, there is a master server, but it only keeps track of other servers' ip, players, gametype... When you join a game, you're directly connected to the game server, not through the master server.


It's like you find websites on yahoo and get directed to the sites you want.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the replys.


I seems like there must be a problem with the master server, because I still cant get a game through the in game, game finder.


Looks like I will have to use qtracker, though last time I used it it took ages to compile the list of servers,


Ah well,


Thanks again.

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