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Guardians of Fate recruiting


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Hello, I am a Councilor from the JK II Group known as: Guardians of Fate. We are a humble clan, and not like other groups you see out there. Our website is: http://www.guardians-of-fate.net


I hope you enjoy our website, our clan is based upon roles that one can take, not exactly ranks. There are ranks however, but to see what i mean exactly go check out the website.


In our clan we encourage individuallity greatly, also have a good mind set if you would like to join us. At the moment we are not doing the current join process you see on the site. That is for later, once we're more developed. Just make yourselfs known on our forums and we'll get to you as soon as possible. Knight ranks are currently available, but once we start recruiting the way we planned with the Join Request, people will get the normal starting ranks as well as the roles (if you don't know what i'm talking about, go read the site). I hope some of you are interested, and I hope to see some of you soon. Btw, we are a group that plays on the MSN Gaming Zone, so if you don't know what that is, its a multiplayer based zone where people go into game rooms and just play the game. The URL to the JKII one is here:



Thank you :)


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