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3d Studio Max 4 or 5


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i have heard about that 3d studio max 5 is VERY SLOW is that true iam going to buy a all new computer to use it so tell me if thats true and what about tutorials will 3d studio max 4 tutorials work the same with 3d studio max 5 you know

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well the performance should be getting more and more demanding but it's not that dramatic. it runs on a new pc pretty well. if u work with many polygons it's good to havea graphics card with opgl or directx like gforce and for rendering complicated stuff much ram (512 minimum i would suggest). but as a modeler for jk2 u won't need anything ass kicking believe me. max4 tutorials are ofcourse still valid, since there are not that many changes, but more improvements and adittions.

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I've tried it, I actually might go out and buy it if I can get a good deal on it :)


It actually runs faster on this Box than 4.2 does, I have a gig of ram so that might have something to do with the fact that I have a powerful Rig. There are a bunch of rather nice improvements that make it quicker to work with, and the new Poly tools are very nice. The new uv tools are great too, but somebody has already released a plugin for 4 that includes those tools so they arn't an issue now. It's not quite as big a jump as I think it should have been, but it may be worth it.


As a beginner though it might be worth starting with Gmax. It comes with some great tutorials, and even better it's free :)

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the jump from 4.2 to 5 is mabe not big for modelers. but ! they finaly have radiosity rendering!! no stupid plugins like mental ray or brazil nedded anymore...

it alos renders those radiosity faster than those plugin renderes did. and i bet there are many other improvements for pros but we don't know because it's not important to us...

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