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Making the Shadowtrooper's chest-star invisible


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Yes but if you do it it will be a little hole in his chest plate.


Anyway I tell you how to. In the shadowtrooper folder make a new .txt file. Open it and type this:


surfoff "torso_accessories"


Then save it and rename it to: model_default.surf (if you want to get rid of it on the red and blue versions of the shadowtrooper just copy the surf file twice and rename one of the copys to: model_blue.surf and the other one to: model_red.surf

You can remove other things with .surf files as well (i.e. holsters, vests etc).


Hope that helps :)

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Originally posted by Squater

Yes but if you do it it will be a little hole in his chest plate.


Anyway I tell you how to. In the shadowtrooper folder make a new .txt file. Open it and type this:


surfoff "torso_accessories"


Then save it and rename it to: model_default.surf (if you want to get rid of it on the red and blue versions of the shadowtrooper just copy the surf file twice and rename one of the copys to: model_blue.surf and the other one to: model_red.surf

You can remove other things with .surf files as well (i.e. holsters, vests etc).


Hope that helps :)


Hi, and thanks!


Explain "hole" - And when I do this, wont the rest of the accessories vanish as well?

Cant one just fill the area that one needs to be transparent with a certain color?

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Originally posted by Squater

1.Well where the Star used to be there will invisible, you will see into the hes armor. Do I make sense? 2. No the rest of the accesories wont vanish. 3. Well if you did you would still see the star just in the color you used, so no not if you want to make it invisible.


So by doing this the star will disappear, and I will se the chest that is hidden behind it. But will it look deformed?

How can this only disable the star and not the other accessories?


Thanks for all your help by the way, its very nice of you :)


Sorry for my lack of understanding, I will try this when I get home from work.

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Well all would look good cept for that the place the star was on it will be a hole that you can see trough (I dont think this would look to bad though). Well, some parts of the model use the same image but you can disable these parts without disabling the image they use, got it? Nothing to talk about I love to help people ;)


BTW Jag e från stockholm

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Originally posted by Squater

Make sure you have the surf file in the same folder as the .skin files. And you do know how to zip things up in a .pk3 properly right?


They are all in one and the same *.pk3 and there are no folders in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love the surf ability, I'm so glad I noticed it when I was looking at a skin called SithRodianII.pk3. Its a god send.

If it proves too challenging for someone to figure out, or just to try something different as a lark, try what I was doing originally. Which is to just color the area of the accessories.jpg that has the star transparent, then save the jpg as a tga instead.

Delete the old jpg, make sure the tga has a transparent section where the star is, and voila, you erase the star but keep the other accessories.


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