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School + Boredom = Poetry


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Here I sit in Logic class,

Bored clean off my ****ing ass,

Thinking 'bout those days gone by,

When Vanilla Ice was Pretty Fly.


I wish I could get out of here,

I think the guy beside me's queer.

Some guy up front is beating off,

It's hard to make **** rhyme with off.


The teacher's rambling on and on,

And singing his gay Logic song.

It's getting hard to stay awake,

Skipping coffee - Big mistake.


Why couldn't they kill Yoko Ono?

Give her liquor full of Draino.

Or instead of shooting 6 at John,

Send one her way so she'd be gone.


I'm ranting and I'm raving now,

I must escape this place somehow.

Oh, wait! He's letting us go early!

This ****ing place can lick me birdy.


Here I sit in Logic class,

Bored clean off my ****ing ass,

Thinking 'bout those days gone by,

When Vanilla Ice was Pretty Fly.

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