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Hello People


I was on the ffaepisode 1 map recently and was getting really bad FPS (20-30). So i decided to improve my performance by reducing the resolution from 1024*768 to 640*480 and lowering all the graphical options to the 'fastest performance' setting. ANd to my suprise it had NO EFFECT!!

Again i tried out this experiment on ffa_bespin, with no players on the server, and standing in the same spot and again I got little (5-10fps difference) or no improvement to FPS!!

I have no idea why this is happening as i'm sure I shoul be able to increase performance significantly more than that.


I would be gratefull to anybody reading this to perhaps help me out by suggesting an answer to my problem or conducting the same experiment I did and telling me the difference in performance they got.


I have:


Athlon Thunderbird 1400

PNY Geforce 4 Ti4600


40 Gig HD

Windows ME operating system


P.S I am well aware that the ffaepisode 1 map does cause a lot of bad fps, but shouldn't I at least be able to scale my graphics options down to see a better performance on this map???

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The FFA episode 1 map is a power-house map.. You seriously need at least a 1.7 GHZ rig to play the map with no performance drop.


but also, there are some things you can try.


Under setup, make sure that v-sync is disabled.



under the console (shift and ~) try these commands


seta com_HunkMegs XXX ///where xxx is half the number of total system memory, so for you, it would be 256.


seta com_maxFPS 300 /// this will "uncap" the default settings of which Jedi Outcast sets.


Also if you have access to changing video card settings, try this


go under display options by right clicking on the desktop, then click properties, go to settings, then advanced, and see if there is an OpenGL option. If so, see if you can disable anti-aliasing.


Also, make sure you have the most recent drivers for your video card.


also check to see if you have the latest DirectX drivers, and I can't say for sure, but I thought I read somewhere that Windows ME has a little trouble with OpenGL games, but I can't say for sure

But I know WinXP can handle it well, despite my personal fact that I have Professional, which is a system resource hog.

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