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Bolting system info?


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Does anyone know of any resources out there that go into the bolting system code? Info from the source of any quake 3 based game should work fine assuming they don't modify the system too heavily.


Tchouky, you've done some work with this I believe?

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what kind of bolting are you talking about ?

ghoul2 bolting ?


when you bolt a weapon to the right hand for example ?


then you won't find anything on the net..

the only ressources available are jk2 and sof2 sourcecode...


you can try to look at raven's forums...


i ve worked a little on this yes...

i worked on hilts and dual sabers but i had to stop coding during the summer vacations and dest did all the job :)

so i know a little about the bolting system but not much ....

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I've been talking with toonces of the aotc mod and i've offered my help towards getting his jetpack model working in-game. I was just hoping that I wasn't going to be breaking new ground here. Looks that way though.


I've downloaded your jedimod source and looked at the second saber code a bit, and it looks to me as if the bolt being used for the left hand was already there, but wasn't used for too much other than force power effects. I'm hoping there's a similar bolt in the upper back.


If there's any other info you can share, just let me know.

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