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1 Charmed power complete in SP - Freezing


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/Im a big fan of the tv series Charmed and a few months ago decided to try convert jediknight to a more charmed-like-game

unfortunatly it is impossible with out SP source code.


Well, i attempting the mod i sussecfully made pipers freezing power from the show, the mini-mod adds a new force power F8, press once to freeze all playersand a second time to restore then to normal.


i could not figure out how to link the power to the force meter, or make i so it automatically disables after a few seconds, however if you are a charmed fan, this will not bother you



If anyone out the wants the mini-mod, or has a suggetion to improve it, feel free to post

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ok people,

sorry i probobly should mentioned, i need some way to send ya the mod, (it is tiny, only a few sounds, and stuff)


if ya want post you email, or sent an email to jimclare1@hotmail.com (if you are emailing me give it a subjects such as FREEZING, coz i get alot of junk mail an wouldnt want to delete someones request)


Also, i have been workin on the mod for the last few days, i added an effect simular to charmeds, Blinking, this basically make the player invisible, not so much a power, more like an advanced version of NoTarget. anyway it is in the mod, also, im close to getting pipers explode power too


In response to the question about the freeze, im afraid it does not work 100%. it only puts all characters in to a stasis. if they are in mid jump when you use the power the will, land, get up, and the stop moving. Im afraid i couldnt do it better without source code. also if you push them or kill them they will still move. sorry,

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Heres some not so imposibble move....



Take your Freeze in MP then make it like a gernade. Everyone in a cerain radius freezes.... They are invunerable during this. Now in 1 second do a quick 360 pamaramic around your character and then continue. Also make it so It cant be abused Like a huge cooldown

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