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Okay, so I'm gonna call 'em again tomorrow...

Guest Darth Wart

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Guest Darth Wart

Ooookay, you guys still have doubts, eh?


What the heck? I've already blown 15$, why not 30$? (Actually, 84elan, I only spent like 6$, when she couldn't answer that one question, she said she'd have to call me back. When she did, I plied her with an additional 8 minutes of speciously connected questions).


So I'm going to call tomorrow.


If you want me to ask her something, string it here before 10:00 am (mtn time) tomorrow.


Things I'm already going to ask:


1. If there's no Ki, why's he in the voice credits.


2. So are we to assume there's absolutely NO difference between Easy and Jedi? NONE?


3. Why doesn't the controller vibrate? What happened to that?


4. Why can't we restart the levels? Is there a way to do this? In the booklet it says you can and there's even a screenshot.


5. "One of my friends from a certain net forum called and was told that there are still some things in the game which we haven't discovered. What was meant by this? It seems to contradict what I was told yesterday... Are you just trying to get me to call you more, or what?


6. I was told yesterday that no codes will ever be released for this game, EVER, that in fact no such codes even exist. Can you confirm this?


7. Is it true that you operators lie and pretend to know more than you really do?


So, if you guys want me to ask them anything else, post it below. Just make sure it's not something obvious that most of us here could answer for you.








There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest 84Elan

I tell you what man you are the stuttering john of this board man you got all the questions.


The thing with the vibrating I asked or E-mailed Lucasarts support group and they sent me back a curt and to the point message that yes it is working by not vibrating hardly at all and no it is not like TPM. I think it may be a sore point with them. They should really take it off the package as a icon of things the game does cause it don't. Go get em man.


If they tell you that Ki was cut ask them if Peck suffered the same fate. He too is in the credits.

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Guest Acid_Rain327

1.) Ask them why in the world, not a single hidden character is a JEDI?


2.) Ask them who authorized the release of such an unfinished game, and suggest that person deserves a pay-cut.


3.)Ask how Mr. Lucas would feel if he saw the end-product of this game, and how he would feel about something he personally puts money into doing a botch-job on something like this, and let down his, as well as their fan base - again.


4.) Suggest outside beta-testing; the Lucas Arts testers are not doing their jobs.


On a final note:


5.) Tell her to tell her superiors that Lucas Arts fans do not care about dead-lines, and we'll wait as long as it takes for a GOOD, QUALITY game - we're tired of having this unfinished crap put out there, and their fan-base will steadily fall if they keep slacking in efforts.

There would be no Lucas Arts, or Star Wars after Episode IV, if it weren't for the fans.


We're putting millions in their pockets - the least they can do is put a decent game in our consoles. It IS their job after all...

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Sorry all, I'm ranting...


But, do me the favor of asking the operative those questions anyway? I'd much appreciate it. biggrin.gif

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Guest 84Elan

No no stuttering John is not an insult it is a guy on the howard stern show that howard sends out to ask people questions that most reporters do not ask. Stuterring John always has to go out and ask people the hard questions that every one else kind of shy away from like why does your game suck? So forth and so on. If you are, were, or are going to be, insulted I apologize now I never ment any disrespect. Again I apologize. If any offence was taken.

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Guest 84Elan

Acid do not worry you are just writing what all of us have said at one time or another it is good to hear that I am not alone.

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Stuttering John is a guy who works for Howard Stern who asks celebrities all kinds of questions, mainly very unappropriate ones, he's funny as hell.



Kylilin, Jedi Master, and overall silly guy


Nice kylilin.jpg

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Guest Darth Wart

oh oh oh now I understand.


no offense taken; it's just that for a moment there it sounded like you were saying I'm the village idiot, and I couldn't understand why.


We don't get Howard Stern where I am (New Mexico). None of the local radio stations can afford the franchise!






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest 84Elan

I used to get him in Indy but now I live in Cinnci and don't get him, the best I can do is watch the E Channel late at night.

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Guest Hand Solo

Let's get personal and ask why she only gets paid minimum wage when the calls cost $1 a minute.





Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

Can you ask them why there is a purple lightsaber texture in the game's files?

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