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EP1 The Obi Wan Game

Guest Jedi_Jim

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Guest Jedi_Jim


Hi guys, back from my summer at home lol


hope everyone is well and not toast like Maul.


Anyone checked out this ObiWan game yet, it looks like tomb raider with lightsabers to me.


Is it worth getting ?


btw when is it released in UK or US ?



Impressive....most impressive.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Actually, the Obi-Wan release date is still Fall 2000. The LEC prez said it was a slight chance it would be pushed into 2001, but as of now, this is not official!


Fall 2000 it is...

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Guest the13thJedi

Nope, It's been pushed back to the 1st Qtr. of 2001, that's providing they don't delay it again... better be worth it.

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Guest Kurgan

The official website still says "Fall 2000.."


Just checked it a minute ago.


Episode I: Obi-Wan will be much more like Jedi Knight than Tomb Raider in case you were wondering.






[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited October 06, 2000).]

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Well, I'm completely burnt out on Jedi Knight, so let's hope that Obi-Wan kicks ass, but also has a lot of innovations and versatility.

This game will bomb if it's too much like JK, because the people they're targeting this game to are the JK-playing crowd. If it's too much like JK, people will get sick of it really quick.

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Guest the13thJedi

I'm not sure... It just rings in my head as the date that it'll be out...


They were some heavy rumors that the game was soon to be delayed again...


If it is supposed to be out by Fall 2000, why haven't I seen/heard a scrap of info about it?




Btw, Kurgan, That page hasn't been updated in a while... The only thing they've added are a few new screenshots, so don't expect that info to be to reliable of a source.


[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited October 04, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I don't see how any other sources than the official can be more reliable... wink.gif


I know we haven't seen a lot of info lately, and I also assume the date has been pushed back a little. But technically it is Fall 2000 for a little while longer. I'm sure we will see an update soon!

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Guest BriGer

Chances are it will be the latest release date possible, considering I have never heard of a game coming out early...Need I say more? *Cough* *Cough* Blizzard *Cough*

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Guest the13thJedi

The word on the release date for Obi-Wan is 2/14/2001.


I got the info from here


there you go... Most reliable source on the net (in my opinion.) They have always been right on the money with their info. An they have Very Rarely posted anything unless it was confirmed to be true...


I know the "official" site may say Fall 2000, but that damn page hasn't been updated for a Very long time...







[This message has been edited by the13thJedi (edited October 06, 2000).]

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Guest Kurgan

I admit, I have started playing JK (and MotS) again. I didn't for many months because my new net connection didn't allow me to join/host games properly.


Now however, I'm playing 'hard' Single Player again, and with my new graphics/sound setup, it's awesome (100 fps, 3D sound, 1024x768 res).

; )



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The "Glyph Saber System" and force key sound like good ideas. I believe "Die by the Sword" had a similar attack system but I have never played it. Nobody likes to scroll through 10 spells or have 10 hotkeys so the force key could prove useful. But it'll get really irritating really fast if you always do the wrong move because you're not standing perfectly still. However, Force Block and a defense button? What were they thinking? Jedi Knight's blocking was better. Holding down a block button is like holding down a run button. You want it to be automatic unless you say otherwise. How come Obi-Wan will become more powerful during the game then in all his training before that. That's a pretty big change for just a few days. And what exactly are the Sith agents? Are they supposed to be apprentices in waiting, hoping all before them get bumped off so they can be the one true apprentice? I thought the Sith were extinct for a millenia, this is a massive comeback. I hope that fighting one won't take 5 minutes alone. I think they just wanted more lightsaber combat. In my opinion I don't see why Darth Maul is limited to Tatooine and the Final Battle. The movie left him out almost entirely. How about we encounter him a few more times and develop his character a bit? If you're changing other parts of the story, why not this part? I would like him to be 3 dimensional. That's probably out of the question but 2 dimensional expanded would be fairly easy. Maybe the Republic torched his moisture farm and now he's joining a master of the force to help him avenge his father's death? Sorry, couldn't resist.

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