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help needed: level 13 MOTS


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Fair warning; it's been ages since I played this.


Give up (on the door that is). You can't follow Kyle that way.


Look around the area; there should be some collapsed and flooded caverns nearby. One of the flooded areas leads deeper into the temple complex.


Just make sure you have enough air; it's a long swim. Best to find the actual passage (where the wall of one room is broken), then resurface, suck in a lungful, then swim fast.


Oh, and watch out for those thrice-damned vornskrs; they can see far better in the dark than you can, and they'll pounce from out of the shadows. You won't see them until they hit you between the shoulder-blades.



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  • 3 months later...

Another one of those flooded caverns is a secret area with Revive inside.


I assume vornskrs are those kittens that like to leap at you when you least expect it... yea, each leap ignores armor and does 25-50 damage, so you are pretty much dead in 3 hits. Force Heal rulez; when maxed, it can heal 75 hit points per cast.


But as if that was not enough, they can swim (aren't cats afraid of water?), and they do that much faster than poor Mara. So get out of the water promptly; you are much better off fighting them on the ground.


The best situation is when you can find a ledge high enough above the ground level, or lock them out in a room such that there is only a window between you. Then you can safely throw your saber at them and not worry about taking hits...

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Yup, thos're them.


Actually though, the vornskrs in the game are more dog-like than anything (though you can't really get a good look until they're dead).


Personally, I prefer the ones seen in the old WEG Sourcebooks; they looked like a cross between a doberman and a lion. Lean and boney, but with a shorter, rounder muzzle, and a mane.


Since I'm assuming vornskrs are native to Myrkyr, the . . . things on Dromuund Kaas are probably only distant relatives. Probably hunting hounds that were souped up by Sith Alchemy, then allowed to run feral for a few thousand years.


If they were real vornskrs, they'd be just as dangerous to any Sith on the planet as well --vornskrs are untamable around any Force-users.


THis is why they call me BeastMaster. ;)

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