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My beziers gone wrong :(


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Um, curves don't have faces. Are you talking about a sphere or just the simple 2d object. If your talking about a 2d object yout going to need to use the surface modifier. In order to use the surface modifer your going to need to connect 3 or 4 splines.


Example generate 4 lines like a box you would draw with a ruler.

Make the splines have 3 segements each. How the splines going verticle over the the end points with the horziontal endpoints. Select all and generate surface modifier. You don't need to wel the the endpoint, if you have a preference to the do it only has a finalization.

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Anyways, I'll tell you what you can do (if you are asking what I think you are asking). And anyone else that might be able to understand english.


I'm assuming that you are talking about patch modeling, or using surface tools. Those are the only ones that you'd be mentioning bezeir handles.


If you are making the wire cage for the object and then use the Surface modifier: check the 'flip normals' checkbox and 'remove interior patches' (you wont want these either).


If you are doing this in editable patch-

Go to the patch sub-object mode, select all of the patches in the object, then go down the sidebar till you get to 'surface properties' then select 'flip'


if you don't know what sub-object means, or any of the other terms, use the help file that came with it.

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