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JK2radiant, prob with entities


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well, it has been a while since i've built levels for this game. I upgraded to winXP and stopped because I've had a problem with the entities. But I want to start again and need help.


JK2radiant has no entities in it what so ever. I can make walls and texture them, but I cannot make weapons, lights, or any function objects. Whenever I press "n", there is nothing in it that can be selected, not even worldspawn.


I used lk2radiant once on winxp before this problem started occuring. Has anyone else had this problem or does anyone know a way to fix it? (I've removed the tools, and all associated folders not need by the game, and re-installed them. Still the problem occurs.) And I've had many probs with gtkradiant, so I don't want to deal wth that (plus it's not working).

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